Required Readings and
Online Lectures
For Week 1: Introduction
to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Subject Headings Manual (SHM)
Intro. to Cat and Class,
Chapters 12–13
Online Training:
Before class, please watch Units 2–3
Explore LC's Subject Headings Manual on LC website
For Week 2: Introduction
to Main Headings and the MARC Bibliographic and Authorities Formats for subjects
Joudrey, Intro. to Cat and Class, Chapter 21
Refresh your knowledge of MARC:
Online Training:
Before class, please watch
Modules 4.1–4.9 and 8.1.
For Week 3: Assigning
Subject Headings; An
Introduction to Subdivisions; Additional Vocabularies
Online Training:
Before class, please watch Modules 6.1–6.10.
Skim: Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) in ClassWeb
Joudrey, Intro.
to Cat and Class,
Chapters 14–15
For Week 4: The
Subdivisions Extravaganza
Skim: Kornegay,
Buchanan, and Morgan,
Magic Search
Cooey and Philipps, "Library of Congress Subject Headings: A Post-Coordinated Future"
Online Training:
Before class, please watch
Modules 6.11–6.18
Over Spring Break please read:
Langridge, Classification: Its Kinds...
Hunter, Classification Made Simple, Chapters 1–7
For Week 5: Putting
It Together
LCSH Online Training: Before class, please watch Module 5.4 and Unit 7 |
Recommended Readings
Chan, Library
of Congress Subject Headings
Gross and Taylor,
"What Have We Got to Lose"
Olson and Boll,
Subject Analysis in Online
Catalogs, Chapters 5-6
"Specific and Generic Subject
"LCSH: Semantics, Syntax, and
O'Neill, Chan, Childress,
Dean, El-Hoshy, Visine-Goetz,
"Form Subdivisions..."
Dean, "FAST:
Development of Simplified Headings
for Metadata" -- [Web site]
"Critical Views of LCSH,
1990-2001: The Third Bibliographic