LIS 417: Subject Cataloging and Classification



and Attendance: 10%




Students are expected to come to class each week, stay for the entire class session, and to be engaged in the class activities. If students attend class every week, they are guaranteed 40% of their participation grade.


To earn the other 60% of the participation grade, students are expected to:

  • complete assignments on time
  • participate in class discussions
  • participate in class exercises
  • complete the take-home exercises
  • ask questions and generally engage with the material, your fellow students, and the professor

Final Thoughts 

Attendance and participation can greatly affect students' final grades for the better or for the worse. One needs to be active and involved in the class. If students are absent, late, silent, uninterested, or otherwise disengaged all semester, they should not expect to earn a high participation grade.

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