Daniel N. Joudrey, PhD

Contact Information

Office: SLIS 204J, One Palace Road Bldg.
Mailing AddressSimmons University, 300 The Fenway, SLIS 204-J, Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617.521.2863
E-mail: joudrey@simmons.edu

Links to CV

Current Position
Earlier Positions
Committee Service
Other Professional Activities and Conferences
Professional Memberships
Grants, Awards, and Honors


University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, PhD

  • "Building Puzzles and Growing Pearls: A Qualitative Exploration of Determining Aboutness." Advisor: Dr. Arlene G. Taylor
  • Margaret Mary Corbett Award for outstanding dissertation proposal

University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, MLIS

  • Area of concentration: Information Organization and Cataloging
  • President of the student group Open Mind

George Washington University, BA

  • Major: Theatre; Minor: Psychology

Current Position



Professor, 2019-present
Simmons University, School of Library and Information Science, Boston, MA


  • LIS 415: Information Organization
  • LIS 416: Descriptive Cataloging
  • LIS 417: Subject Cataloging and Classification

Current Writing Project

  • Continuation of the cataloging education study
  • Revising The Organization of Information
  • Research to begin the 12th edition of Introduction to Cataloging and Classification
  • Preparations to begin writing Library of Congress Subject Headings: Principles and Applications

Committee Service

Other Professional and Library Experiences

Associate Professor, 2011-2019
Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Boston, MA

Teaching, research, and service responsibilities as described above

Assistant Professor, 2005-2011
Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Boston, MA

Teaching, research, and service responsibilities as described above

Adjunct Instructor, 2005
Florida State University, College of Information, Panama City, FL

Taught cataloging for the College of Information via their online program.

Teaching Fellow/Instructor, 2002-2004
University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA

Taught the required core course LIS 2001: Organizing Information. Each week, lectured and conducted in-class exercises on the fundamentals of bibliographic control including introductions to retrieval tools and systems, metadata, MARC, Dublin Core, ISBD, AACR2, descriptive cataloging, access points, authority control, subject analysis, controlled vocabulary, and classification. Facilitated in-class discussion sessions and electronic class discussion boards. Supported student learning both in and out of the classroom, revised the syllabus, created assignments and in-class exercises, created an OCLC Connexion tutorial, graded papers, assigned readings, and conducted lab sessions.

Metadata Policy Intern, 2001
Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Coordinated and documented the development of metadata policies, best practices, and standards for metadata supporting all functions and processes in the life cycle of digital resources. Worked with and supported the Metadata Policy Group and four sub-committees investigating the requirements for a Library of Congress metadata policy. Searched for relevant materials on metadata to share with committee members. Collected web resources to develop a Metadata Policy Group intranet page. Developed discussion questions and draft statements to be included in the policy statement.

Research and Teaching Assistantships, 1999–2001, 2004–2005
University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA

Assisted Dr. Arlene G.Taylor and Dr. Hong Xu in their work at the School of Information Sciences. Responsibilities included: data collection for various studies, and analyzing web resources for a study of Dublin Core Resource Types for Dr. Taylor and Dr. Xu.

Assisted Drs. Taylor, Xu, Robins, and Normore in conducting the courses, LIS 2001: Organizing Information, LIS 2406: Subject Analysis, and LIS 2970: Cataloging. Supported the instructors by grading papers, designing exams and assignments, managing CourseWeb sites, conducting in-class exercises, guest lecturing, reviewing and suggesting readings, conducting discussion sessions, teaching OCLC training workshops, suggesting course activities, and attending classes.

Cataloging Intern, 2000
Chatham College Library, Pittsburgh, PA

Performed both copy and original cataloging on the library’s backlog of items in all formats. Trained in book repair and participated in the evaluation of integrated library systems.

Editorial Assistant/GSA, 2000
University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, Pittsburgh, PA

Performed the duties of the Editorial Assistant to Dean Toni Carbo for the peer-reviewed journal, The International Information & Library Review. Responsibilities included copy editing, managing the review process, writing introductions and forewords, and creating an article-tracking database. Helped to plan special events and receptions for the School of Information Sciences as needed. Assisted Dean Carbo in 2000 with her responsibilities as a past president of ALISE.

Copy Cataloger, 1999
University of Pittsburgh, Hillman Library, Pittsburgh, PA

Worked as part of the Latin American cataloging team. Tasks included: searching OCLC, performing copy cataloging on Library of Congress records, and performing copy cataloging and verifying all MARC fields on records submitted by other member institutions. 

Library Temporary Staff, 1999
InforCurrent (formerly Telesec Corestaff), Greenbelt, MD

Worked in various special libraries providing library clerk and paraprofessional services. Responsibilities included: cataloging for retrospective conversion projects, shelving, shelf-reading, serials check-in, labeling (pressure and heat), copying journal articles, loose-leaf updates, mail distribution, and various other tasks.

(in reverse chronological order)


Joudrey, Daniel N., and Arlene G. Taylor. The Organization of Information, 4th ed., with the assistance of Katherine M. Wisser. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2018.

Joudrey, Daniel N., Arlene G. Taylor, and David P. Miller. Introduction to Cataloging and Classification, 11th ed. Santa Barbara, CA.: Libraries Unlimited, 2015.

Taylor, Arlene G., and Daniel N. Joudrey. The Organization of Information, 3rd ed. Westport, CT.: Libraries Unlimited, 2009.

Book chapters

Taylor, Arlene G., and Daniel N. Joudrey. “Chapter 12. Organization and Representation of Information.” In The Portable MLIS: Insights from the Experts, 2nd ed., edited by Ken Haycock and Mary-Jo Romaniuk. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2018.

“Chapter 5: Systems and System Design” in The Organization of Information, 2nd ed. by Arlene G. Taylor. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.

“Chapter 6: Metadata” with Arlene G. Taylor in The Organization of Information, 2nd ed. by Arlene G. Taylor. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 2004.

Journal articles

Holley, Ralph M., and Daniel N. Joudrey. “Aboutness and Conceptual Analysis: A Review.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 59, no. 2-3 (2021): 159-185.

Gross, Tina, Arlene G. Taylor, and Daniel N. Joudrey. “Still a Lot to Lose: The Role of Controlled Vocabulary in Keyword Searching.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 53, no. 1 (2015): 1-39.

Joudrey, Daniel N., and Ryan McGinnis. “Graduate Education for Information Organization, Cataloging, and Metadata.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 52, no 5 (2014): 506-550.

Joudrey, Daniel N. “Another Look at Graduate Education for Cataloging and the Organization of Information.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 46, no. 2 (2008): 137–181.

Joudrey, Daniel N. “A New Look at US Graduate Courses in Bibliographic Control.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 34, no. 1/2 (2002): 59–101.

Joudrey, Daniel N. “Textbooks Used in Bibliographic Control Education Courses.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 34, no. 1/2 (2002): 103–120.

Taylor, Arlene G., and Daniel N.Joudrey. “On Teaching Subject Cataloging.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 34, no. 1/2 (2002): 223–232.

Carbo, Toni, Susan Hayes, Daniel N. Joudrey, et al. “A Tribute to Arlene Taylor.” Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 32, no. 3 (2001): 76–79.

Carbo, Toni, and Daniel N. Joudrey. “Ethics: the science of morals.” International Information & Library Review 32, no. 3/4 (2000): 251–252.

Encyclopedia articles

Joudrey, Daniel N. “Cataloging.” In The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 4th ed., edited by John D. McDonald and Michael Levine-Clark. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, 2017.

Taylor, Arlene G., and Daniel N. Joudrey. “Cataloging.” In The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 3rd ed., edited by Marcia Bates and Mary Niles Maack. Boca Raton, FL: Taylor & Francis, 2010.

Book reviews

Review of Knowledge Organization, Information Systems and Other Essays Professor A Neelameghan Festschrift, edited by K.S. Raghavan and K.N. Prasad. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 45, no 1 (2007): 129–131.

Review of The Changing Nature of the Catalog and Its Integration with Other Discovery Tools: Final Report prepared for the Library of Congress by Karen Calhoun, and Rethinking How We Provide Bibliographic Services for the University of California: Final Report by the UC Bibliographic Services Task Force. Library Resources & Technical Services 50, no. 4 (2006): 295–297.

Conference proceedings and/or Tecnhical reports

Joudrey, Daniel N., and Arlene G. Taylor. “LCSH Strings: Some Thoughts.” In Library of Congress Subject Headings Pre- vs. Post-Coordination and Related Issues. Prepared by the Cataloging Policy and Support Office. Available: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/pre_vs_post.html.

Joudrey, Daniel N. “The Future is Longer than the Past” in Basic Values and the Future of Cataloging: Presentations from an ALCTS/CCS Forum, Jan. 21, 2007 at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, Washington. ALCTS Newslinks. Available at:  http://www.ala.org/ala/alcts/newslinks/bibcontrol/MW07Joudrey.cfm

Joudrey, Daniel N. “Building Puzzles and Growing Pearls: A Qualitative Exploration of the Subject Determination Process” in Proceedings from 7th ISKO–Spain Conference: The Human Dimension of Knowledge Organization, Barcelona 6–8 July 2005. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, 2005.

Committee Service

... to the Profession

American Library Association (ALA)

ALA. Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS)

Council of Regional Groups Speakers’ Bureau (2005–2011)

ALA. ALCTS. Cataloging and Metadata Management Section (CaMMS)

Executive Board. Member-at-Large (2012–2015)

Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (CC: DA). Intern (2007–2008)

Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group.

Co-Vice Chair/Co-Chair Elect (2018–2019)

Co-Chair (2019-2020)

Edward Swanson Memorial Best of LRTS Award Jury (2015–2016)

Margaret Mann Citation Jury (2015–2016)

Nominating Committee (2018–2019)

Subject Analysis Committee (SAC)

Member (2008–2012; 2016-2020); Chair (2009–2011)

LC Genre/Form Pre-Conference Planning Committee. Chair (2010–2011)

LCSH Free-floating subdivisions Working Group. Chair (2010–2011)

Subcommittee on the Future of Subject Headings (2006–2009)

Subcommittee on DDC 305–306 (2000)

Association of Library & Information Science Education (ALISE)

Tellers Committee (2008–2009)

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

Best of Volume 44 Selection Committee (2008)

Dewey Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee

Member (ALA appointee, 2020-2022)

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

Governing Board (2013–2014)

Library of Congress

Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate. Policy and Standards Division

LCSH Online Training Project. Content creator, editor, and co-instructor (2015–2020)

LCC Online Training Project. Content creator, editor, and co-instructor (2018–2020)

New England Library Association

Member (2018–2020)

Peer reviewer for the following journals:

Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

International Information and Library Review

Journal of Education in Library and Information Science

Library and Information Science Research


... to the School of Library and Information Science, Simmons University

Admissions and Awards Committee

Member (2005–2012; 2016–2022)

Chair (2008–2012; 2016–2022)

COA Accreditation Working Groups

Administration and Finance (2010)

Faculty (2016–2017)


Curriculum Committee (2005–2010; 2012–2013)

Curriculum-related subcommittees and working groups

• Advising Subcommittee (2009–2010)

• Core Curriculum Committee. Chair (2011–2012)

• Core Curriculum Subcommittee (2007–2008)

• Core Curriculum Implementation Committee (2012–2013)

• Core Curriculum Working Group (2007)

• Course Evaluation Working Group (2006–2007)

• Foundations Course Implementation Committee. Chair (2012–2013)

• Foundations Course Working Group. Chair (2007)

• Information Organization Area of Excellence Working Group (2010–2011)

• LIS 415 Information Organization Lead Instructor (2019– )

Doctoral Committee (2018– )

Faculty Secretary (2005–2006)

Hollowell Research Fund Committee (2011–2012)

Libraries and Librarianship Concentration Working Group (2020– )

Mentoring, Development and Review (MDR)/Rank, Tenure, and Appointments (RTA)

Chair (2015–2016)

Member (2012–2017; 2021- )

Implementation Guidelines (IGs) editor (2012-2017)

• IGs Working Group. Member (2010–2011)

• IGs Section 2 Working Group. Chair (2010–2011)

Review committees

• First-Year Review Committees

Member (2018; 2018); Chair (2018–2019)

• PDMYR Committees

Member (2016; 2020; 2021); Chair (2020; 2021)

• Promotion and/or Tenure Committees

Member (2021; 2021; 2020; 2020); Chair (2016); Faculty Reviewer (2018; 2019; 2019)

Online Education Committee (2011–2013)

Panel on Adjunct Review and Recommendation (2011–2012; 2018)

Parliamentarian (2005–2008, 2009, 2011–2012, 2015– )

Search Committees

GSLIS Associate Dean for Admissions (2008)

GSLIS Dean (2012–2013)

Digital Preservation faculty position (2012–2013)

Information Organization faculty position. Chair (2017–2018)

Information Organization/Technology faculty position (2012–2013)

Two faculty positions (2018-2019)

Space Planning Committee (2005–2007)

Spectra Student Group. Faculty Advisor (2015–2017; 2018–2019)


... to Simmons University

Academic Assessment Planning Group

Member (2010–2011)

Academic Technology Committee. Alternate (2006-2007)

Member (2007–2008)

Bookstore Advisory Committee

GSLIS Representative (2005–2014)

COCIS. Parliamentarian (2017–2019)

Simmons College Honor Board

Member (2007–2011)

Professional Membership

American Library Association. Member, 1999–present.

American Society of Information Science and Technology. Member, 2002–2003.

Association of Library and Information Science Educators. Member, 2002–2005; 2008-2009.

New England Library Association (2018-2020)

Awards, Grants, and Honors

Simmons College. Boston, Massachusetts

• Simmons College Fund for Research. “User’s Perceptions of Image Content and Characteristics: A Study of Image Tagging and Sorting” with Dr. Rong Tang. $1,000.

• Emily Hollowell Research Fund. “User’s Perceptions of Image Content and Characteristics: A Study of Image Tagging and Sorting,” with Dr. Rong Tang. $2,317.

• Emily Hollowell Research Fund. “User’s Perceptions of Image Content and Characteristics: A Study of Image Tagging and Sorting,” with Dr. Rong Tang. $1,540.

School of Information Sciences. University of Pittsburgh

• Recipient of a full teaching fellowship for ten semesters while studying for the PhD.

• Winner of the 2005 Margaret Mary Corbett Award for outstanding dissertation proposal.

• Recipient of a full graduate assistantship for four semesters while studying for the MLIS.

George Washington University

• Recipient of the Board of Trustees Scholarship for five years.

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