photo of pomegranate

How To Cut A Pomegranate

By: Jeanine

How do you cut a pomegranate fruit, anyway? If you’re asking that question right now, you’re not alone. Learning how to cut a pomegranate can seem intimidating, and done the wrong way, it can be a huge mess. Not to worry! Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide for how to cut open and de-seed a pomegranate. This method is super simple, and better yet, it won’t leave your counter covered in pomegranate juice!


  1. First, use a sharp knife to cut off the top of the pomegranate. I like to trim away about 1/4 inch.
  2. Then, score the sides of the pomegranate. Holding the fruit, you might notice that there are 5-6 gentle ridges in its surface. Use your knife to make thin slits along those ridges. You should be cutting along the fruit’s white pith, not slicing open any of the arils. After you make the cuts, use your hands to peel the fruit open and gently divide it into segments.
  3. Next, fill a large bowl with water. Submerge the segments, and use your hands to remove the seeds from the skin and membranes. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the bowl, while the white, spongy membranes will float to the top. Skim off the white bits, and drain the seeds. That’s it!
Adapted from (Love & Lemons)