Conference & Lecture Presentations |
August 5, 1993, "Experience gained on The Emperor multimedia applications -- How they works in education," will be a special invited lecture given at the McWorld, Boston. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
August 5, 1993, "Multimedia applications in museums - What is new with the Emperor Project since last year?" will be a special invited lecture given at the McWorld, Boston. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 15, 1993, "The Coming of the Digital Visual Information Age: Implications for Information Access and Library Professionals (with demonstration on The First Emperor of China)," was a special invited lecture given at the American Center, Tokyo, Japan, co-sponsored by USIS, Japan and the Electronic Library Consortium, Japan. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 14, 1993, "The State of Library Technology in the US: The Coming of the Digital Visual Information Age (with demonstration on The First Emperor of China)," was a special invited lecture given at the Aichi Prefectural Library, Nagoya, Japan, co-sponsored by USIS, Japan; Aichi Prefectural Library, The Association of University Libraries in the Tokai Region, and the Tokai-Hokuriku Database Promotion Association, Japan. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 13, 1993, "The Library in the New Technological Age (with demonstration on The First Emperor of China)," was a special invited lecture given at the American Center, Kyoto, Japan, sponsored by USIS, Japan. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 12, 1993, "The Challenge to Library and Information professionals in the Visual Information Age in the US (with demonstration on The First Emperor of China)," was a special invited lecture given at the American Center, Osaka, Japan, co-sponsored by USIS, Japan and the Kansai Chapter of the Special Library Association of Japan. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
March 24, 1993, "The Multimedia Information Age (with demonstration on The First Emperor of China)," was a special invited lecture given as part of the 1993 Spring Provost Lecture Series, entitled Innovation in Leadership, given at the Penn State Harrisburg, Middleton, PA. Special Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
March 19, 1993, "Multiplatform and Multitype Hypermedia Applications: The Case of the First Emperor of China" was an invited talk given at the University of Pittsburgh as one of the 1992-93 Computers In Academia Lecture Series organized by the Computing and Information Services, University of Pittsburgh. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
January 8, 1993, "Multimedia Applications and The First Emperor of China," was a talk given at the MacWorld under the session, "Multimedia Applications in Museums," San Francisco. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
December 2, 1992, "Understanding Multimedia Information Systems: Consequences for Today and Possibilities for Tomorrow," was a keynote speech given at NIT '92: Fifth International Conference on New Information Technology, in Hong Kong, November 30-December 2, 1992. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
October 14-16, 1992, "Understanding Multimedia information Systems; Consequences for Today and Possibilities of the Future," was an invited speech at the Offshore Information Convention in Oslo. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
July 13, 1992, "The First Emperor of China & Its Terracotta Army Presented via Optical Technology," at University of Florence. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
July 13, 1992, "The First Emperor of China & Its Terracotta Army Presented via Optical Technology," was an invited speech given at University of Messina, Mesina, Italy. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
July 8, 1992, "The First Emperor of China & Its Terracotta Army Presented via Optical Technology," was an invited talk given at Workshop on Complex Liquid System, Polistena, Italy. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
June 11, 1992, "New Media in Publishing - the Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at IEPRC: XI Annual Conference. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
May 28, 1992, "Multimeda and Hypermedia Technology: The Future for Computers and Video," was the keynote speech given at "Video 12," New England's leading video/computer professional conference of CHETA (Connec-ticut Higher Education Telecommunications Association), Quinnipiac College - Hamden, CT. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
May 20, 1992, "Multimedia Applications and The First Emperor of China," was a special keynote session given at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
March 19, 1992, "Artificial Intelligence, Hypertext: Is There a Role for the Library in the New Technology?" was a keynote speech given at the, entitled Hypermedia: The Electronic Library of the Future, Princeton, New Jersey. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
March 12-13, 1992, "Army'," was the special invited speech given at the Multimedia Seminar Series presentation, University Tennessee. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
February 25, 1992, "Multimedia Applications and The First Emperor of China," was a keynote speech given at the IBM Annual Conference for Remarters in the Pacific Region, Perth, Australia. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
December 11, 1991, "Analog, Digital and Multimedia: Implications for Information Access," was a talk presented at the International Online Meeting, London, December 10-12, 1991. Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
December 3, 1991, "The Coming of Digital Visual Informatuion Age: Implications for Information Access," was a keynote speech delivered at the NIT '91: The Fourth International Conference on New Information Technology, Budapest, Hungary. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
October 17, 1991, "Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I: Interactive videodisc to interactive Multimedia - Analog to Digital - Talking From Experience," was an keynote speech presented at the Conference of Pictorial Arts and Information Technology, entitled "The Digital Image" in Bergen, Norway. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
October 5, 1991, "Multimedia Information Provision on the Multi-Track Information Superhighways: Opportunities, Challenges and Issues," was a key paper presented as the Conference Finale at the Annual
Pennsylvania Library Association Conference entitled Shared Values, Common Purposes, at the Mountain Laurel Resort and Conference Center, Kidder Township, Pennsylvania. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
September 26, 1991, "Multimedia technology and applications: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," an invited lecture given at the School of Library Service at Columbia University, New York, New York. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
September 22, 1991, "Use of New Information Technology in Third World Countries," was an invited speech presented at the Association of Information and Dissemination Centers 1991 Fall Meeting, of the theme "The Path of Information: Is it Paved with Good Inventions?" at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers, Boston, Massachusetts. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
August 8, 1991, "Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at a panel, "Multimedia in Education," at MACWORLD EXPO at the Bayside Expo Center, Boston, Massachusetts. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
June 30, 1991, "Multimedia: The Magic Tool for Knowledge and Information presentation," was a keynote-speech delivered at the Library and Information Technology Association's Emerging Technology Interest Group Annual Meeting, entitled Multimagic: The Use of Full Motion Video and Hypermedia for Library Instruction and Audiovisual, at the American Library Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
June 28, 1991, "Multimedia Information Delivery: The Challenge to Librarians in the Visual Information Age," was a keynote speech presented at the Pre-conference Program of the Reference and Adult Services Division, entitled The Electronic Library: Linking People, Information and Technology, at the American Library Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
June 7, 1991, "Multimedia Information Age and the Networked Environment of the 21st Century," was an invited speech presented at NERCOMP (New England Regional Computing Program) Twentieth Anniversary Meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
May 22, 1991, "Experience with Multimedia Applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited talk presented at the session "Talking from Experience" at CD-ROM Europe '91, London, England. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
May 9, 1991, "CD-ROM in the Multimedia Information Age," was a key presentation made at the session,"CD-ROMs - Dynasty or Dinosaur? Will New Storage Technology (Optical, Interactive Disks, et al) Replace CD-ROMs?" at the IOLS '91, New York, NY. Key Presenter [Ching-chih Chen]
May 2, 1991, "Information Access and Hypermedia/Multimedia Information Deliver" ("Acceso a la Información a Través de Hipermedia y Multimedia") was an invited speech at the Reunion Internacional de Reflexion Sobre Los Nuevos Roles de la Educacion Superior a Nivel Mundial: El Caso de América Latina y del Caribe, Futuro y Escenarios Deseables, Caracas, Venezuela, May 2-3, 1991. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 28, 1991, "Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited paper at the session, "Interaction with Multimedia Systems(SIG/HCI), at the ASIS Mid-Year Meeting, Santa Clara, California. Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
April 19, 1991, "Hypermedia in Libraries," was a keynote speech presented at the College/Research Library Divisional Meeting of the Saskatchewan Library Association and Saskatchewan School Library Association joint Conference (Developing Minds), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
January 28-31, 1991, "Population Education in the Visual Information Age: Technological Progress, Myths, and Realities," was an invited speech presented at The Unesco Regional Conference on Population Education, Caracas, Venezuela. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
November 28, 1990, "The Challenge to Library and Information Professionals in the Visual Information Age," was the keynote speech given at NIT'90: The Third International Conference on New Information Technology, Guadalajara, Mexico. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
October 9, 1990, "Technology Integration and Multimedia Information Delivery," was the keynote speech delivered at the Alumni Annual Meeting, Drexel University - College of Information Studies. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
September 19, 1990, "Achieving Hypermedia Information Delivery with Technology Integration," and"How Optical Products are Used in Libraries and Information Centers: A Follow Up On the FID Study," (the second on with Dr. Raitt) were the keynote speeches delivered at the FID Meeting, Havana, Cuba, September 19-20, 1990. Keynote Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
August 13, 1990, "The New Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech at the Norwegian Computer Center for the Humanities, Bergen, Norway. Invited Speaker [Ching-chih Chen]
June 24, 1990, "Hypermedia Technologies and PROJECT EMPEROR-I" at the Annual Meeting of Library Instruction Round Table at the American Library Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
June 22, 1990, "Hypermedia applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the LITA Preconference on the Nuts-and-Bolts of Implementing Hypermedia Applications, at the American Library Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Seminar Leader (Ching-chih Chen).
June 1, 1990, "Multimedia information technology and scientific and technical information delivery," at the Documentation Center of the Academy of Sciences of USSR (VINITI), Moscow. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
May 30, 1990, "Entering the visual information age: The challenge to the scientific, technological or industrial information centre in the 1990," at the International Symposium on the Future of Scientific, Technological and Industrial Information Services, Leningrad, USSR, May 28-31, 1990, sponsored by IAEA, FAO, Unesco, and UNIDO. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
May 18, 1990, "Hypermedia technology integration and information delivery: The experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Post Conference on Hypermedia, Carnegie Mellon University, co-sponsored by Pittsburgh Regional Library Center and Consortium on Computing in Undergraduate Education (C-CUE). Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
May 4, 1990, "Hypermedia applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Seminar on the Nuts-and-Bolts of Implementing Hypermedia Applications, in conjunction with the 11th National Online Meeting in New York. Seminar Leader (Ching-chih Chen).
May 2, 1990, "Online hypermedia information delivery," at the 11th National Online Meeting, New York. Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
April 24, 1990, "Comments on Hypermedia: Experience and Potentials," at the meeting of the Chemical Information Division, American Chemical Society Annual Meeting. Invited Luncheon Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
April 12, 1990, "Hypermedia information delivery and technology integration with demonstrations on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Hypertext Showcase organized by the Information Services Division/Administrative Services, Martin Marietta, at Oak Ridge, TN. Special Feature Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
March 31, 1990, "Hypermedia/Multimedia Technologies Revealed through PROJECT EMPEROR-I (The First Emperor of China)," at "The Library: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Varied Perspectives," part of the Dedication of the Abigail S. Timme Library, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
March 30, 1990, "HyperMedia: Accessing the Web of Information," at Plug into the Future: The Electronic Library Meets the 21st Century, Monmouth County Library, Manalapan, NJ (sponsored by the NJ Library Association and the NJ State Library). Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
March 28, 1990, "Integrated Multimedia Applications and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Colloquium of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, UCLA. Invited Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
March 16, 1990, "New Horizons in Information Delivery: HyperMedia Information Provision," at the International Symposium on New Horizons in Agricultural Information Management, March 13-16, 1990, Beijing, China, organized by Scientech Documentation and Information Centre, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Special Invited Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
February 8, 1990, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the KnowShow '90: A Mini-Conference on Library Technology, presented by the Las Vegas - Clark County Library District. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
December 15, 1989, "Hypermedia applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Seminar on Implement-ing Multimedia/Hypermedia applications and Planning Own Optical Publishing: In-House Solution to Complex Information Delivery Problems, in conjunction with the 13th International Online Meeting in London, England. Seminar Leader (Ching-chih Chen).
December 6, 1989, "HyperMedia Information Delivery and the First Emperor of China," to the Faculty and Staff at the Simmons College, Boston. Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
November 17, 1989, "Hypermedia applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the two-day Institute on the Nuts-and-Bolts of Implementing Hypermedia Applications at the GSLIS, Simmons College, Boston. Primary Faculty and Institute Director (Ching-chih Chen).
November 14, 1989, "Hypermedia applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," to the students of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston. Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
October 24, 1989, "Hypermedia/Multimedia Technology and New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s," at the 1989 Essen Symposium on Developments in Microcomputing - Discovering New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s, Essen, W. Germany. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
August 17, 1989, "Hypermedia Information Delivery as Shown by PROJECT EMPEROR-I" at the SPACE Council Meeting on New Micro-Based Technologies and Software for Small & Medium-Sized Libraries, Middleton, PA. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
June 26, 1989, "Technology Integration and Hypermedia Information Delivery: Potentials for Librarians," at the President's program of the 1989 Library and Information Technology Association (LITA), American Library Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
June 2-3, 1989, "Microcomputer and Optical Disc Technology Application in Libraries: The Case of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Seminar on the Use of New Information Technology in Libraries and the Workshop on Database Management Techniques, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, organized by the Malaysia Library Association and sponsored by Unesco. Sole Seminar and Workshop Speaker and Instructor (Ching-chih Chen).
May 29, 1989, "As We Think: Thriving in the HyperWeb Environment," at the 2nd Pacific Conference on New Information Technology, Singapore. Opening Keynote Speaker at the HyperMedia Technology Gala (Ching-chih Chen).
May 27, 1989, "New Information Technology in the Information Age: Where Can the Microcomputers and Optical Technologies Take Us?" at The First IES Conference on New Information Technology for the Construction Engineers, Singapore. Keynote Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
April 22, 1989, "Hypermedia Applications in Public Institutions including Museums and Archives: A Global View" at the Institute on Hypermedia/Multimedia: They Are Here! Simmons College, Boston. Faculty and Director of the Institute (Ching-chih Chen).
April 14, 1989, "Image Databases and Interactive Video," sponsored by the Computer Science Department, University of Nevada at Las Vegas. Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
April 13, 1989, "Interactive Video Instruction Seminar" and on "Image Databases and Interactive Video" sponsored by the Computer Users Group of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and UNS Computing Services. Sole Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
April 13, 1989, "First Emperor of China: A Multimedia presentation of His Life and Times via Videodisc Technology," Community Lecture presented at the University of Nevada, las Vegas, sponsored by the University Library Society. Special Invited Speaker (Ching-chih Chen).
December 6, 1988, "Hypermedia Information Delivery: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the opening session of the 12th International Online Meeting, London. Speaker (Chen).
November 28, 1988, "Hypermedia: Information Delivery in an Integrated Environment," at Optical Technologies: New Horizons in Information Processing, Worcester State College, November 28, 1988. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
November 19, 1988, Lexington (MA) Cary Lecture Series presents "The First Emperor of China: An Interactive Videodisc Presentation," Lexington, MA. Cary Lecturer (Chen).
October 25, 1988, "Interactive Videodisc Technology & Hypermedia Information Delivery: The Case of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the IMACOM'88 (2eme Salon International: La Video Interactive et ses Applications), Besancon, France. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
October 24, 1988, "HyperBase and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at SOPHIATEC, Sophis Antepolis, France. Speaker (Chen).
October 19, 1988, "Hypermedia Information Delivery & Technology Integration: The Case of the First Emperor of China's Terracotta Army," at the 3rd IME Imagerie Electronique Conference, Porte de Versailles, Paris. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
October 5, 1988, "Integrated Information Technology Integration and Hypermedia Information Delivery: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the LITA (Library & Information Technology Association) 2nd National Conference, Boston, Session on "Effective Management of Image Databases: Incorporating Visual Images Into Information Systems and Services" chaired by Ching-chih Chen. Speaker (Chen).
September, 7, 1988, "Libraries in the Information Age: New Technology, New Media, New Mission, and New Challenge," at the International Symposium on New Techniques and Applications in Libraries, Xian, China. Keynote Speaker (Chen). Also "Interactive Video Discs and the First Emperor of China: A Case Presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I's Qin Terracotta Figures," at the same conference, September 9, 1988. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
August 30, 1988, "Optical Disk Technology Institute" at the 44th FID (Federation of Information Documentation) Conference and Congress, Helsinki, Finland. Sole Institute Faculty and Speaker (Chen).
August 19, 1988, "The Role of Microcomputers and Optical Technologies in Development: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Communication School, Federal University, Porto Alegre, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 18, 1988, "The Role of Communications and Optical Technologies in Development," at FIESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 16-17, 1988, National Congress on Library and Information Science celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Sao Paulo Library Association, Centro de Convencoes Reboucas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. "The Role of Communications in Development" on Aug. 16, 1988, Keynote Speaker (Chen). "Hypermedia Information Delivery and Optical Technology" on August 17, 1988, Invited Speaker (Chen).
August 15, 1988, "Optical Technologies and Their Implications in the New Information Age - Case Presentation of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," US Consulate, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 12, 1988, "Large Scale Multi-media Database Construction: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Fundacao Joaquim Institute of Informatics, Recife, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 11, 1988, "Hypermedia Information Delivery," Department of Library Science, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 10, 1988, "Large-Scale Multi-Media Database Construction: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Federal Senate sponsored by SUCESU, Brasilia, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
August 8-9, 1988, "Microcomputers and Optical Technologies in Libraries," Federal University of Minas Gerias (UFMG), School of Library Science, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Consultant to USIS and Speaker (Chen).
July 12, 1988, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Meeting on "Leadership: The Asian American Perspective," New Orleans, LA, July 12, 1988. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
May 19-20, 1988, ACURIL (Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries) XIX , Martinique - Information Technology: Computers, Communication and the Caribbean. Keynote Speaker (Chen). PROJECT EMPEROR-I was part of the presentation of two invited talks delivered under "Service Delivery of Information Technology"
April 14, 1988, "Interactive videodisc technology and the First Emperor of China: Case Presentation of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," the fifty-seventh lecture of the Ella V. Schwing Lecture Series at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, sponsored by the University Middleton Library Lecture Committee. Ella V. Schwing Lecturer (Chen).
April 7, 1988, "Large-scale multi-media database using interactive videodisc technology: Case presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," one of the major session presented at a three-day institute on optical technologies and microcomputers in libraries and information centers, held at the Department of Library and Information Science, Abo Akademi, Abo, Finland. Special invited Institute Faculty (Chen).
March 20, 1988, "Interactive videodisc technology and microcomputers: A case presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at Conference on the Future of the Public Library, Dublin, OH sponsored by the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Invited Speaker (Chen).
February 29, 1988, "The First Emperor of China and interactive videodisc technology," public presentation delivered at Sonoma State University, Rohner's Park, CA, sponsored by the California Lottery Fund. Distinguished Visiting Professor (Chen).
February 25-6, 1988, "EMPEROR I: China's treasures revealed via videodisc technology," public presentation delivered at California State University, Chico, CA, sponsored by the California Lottery Fund. Distinguished Visiting Professor (Chen). Also, during those two days, additional four lectures for various classes in the teaching of art, computer-based instruction, anthropology, and library & information services.
February 22, 1988, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's treasures revealed via videodisc technology," Getty Center for the History of Art & the Humanities, Getty Trust, Santa Monica, CA sponsored by the Getty Arts History Information Program. Distinguished Speaker (Chen).
February 20, 1988, North Carolina Annual Winter Workshop on Optical Disk Media and Technology, North Carolina Central University, Durham, NC, "CD-ROM and optical disk media roles in the organization, administration and delivery of information," Keynote Speaker (Chen). Also "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: A Special Presentation.
February 11, 1988, "The potential of optical technology in in libraries: Applications of videodiscs and the nature of information science: A personal perspective," Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas, co-sponsored by SLIS, Texas Woman's University; SLIS, North Texas State University, and Institute for Scientific Information. Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecturer (Chen).
February 8, 1988, "Potentials of interactive videodisc technology in libraries," Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Pittsburgh. Invited Speaker (Chen).
January 14, 1988, "PROJECT EMPEROR I: A demonstration/ lecture of the interactive videodisc," A public lecture delivered at the Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, sponsored by SMU, Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Dallas, and AMIGOS Bibliographic Council, Inc. Special Invited Speaker (Chen).
November 20-21, 1987, "Potentials of interactive videodisc technology as demonstrated by PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the Institute on New New Media, New Missions: Libraries in the Laser-Optical Era, Simmons College, Boston. Institute Director & Faculty (Chen).
November 7, 1987, NEMICRO (New England Microcomputer Users Group) Fall Annual Meeting - "EMPEROR I, Microcomputer Connections and More" Simmons College, Boston. "How videodisc and microcomputers are used together as demonstrated in PROJECT EMPEROR-I", Keynote Speaker (Chen). Also "C-Quest image cataloging and retrieval software: How it applied to PROJECT EMPEROR-I and others" presented by Doug Nickerson, and "Course authoring software: Maestro and PROJECT Emperor-I" by Mike King.
November 3-5, 1987, Electronic Imaging East '87, World Trade Center, Boston, MA. "Special exhibition" at the Sun Microsystems, Inc. Booth.
November 4, 1987, "New Media, New Mission: Where can interactive videodisc technology take use?" Connecticut Educational Media Association Annual Meeting Preconference Program, New Haven, CT. Special Invited Speaker (Chen).
October 16, 1987, "Interactive videodisc in Humanities: Research, education and communications," Conference on the Use of Optical Storage Media in Research, Teaching and Mediation, Bergen, Norway. Closing Keynote Speaker (Chen).
October 14, 1987, "New Media, New Missions: Laser Optical Technology and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Conference on the Use of Optical Storage Media in Research, Teaching and Mediation, Bergen, Norway. Opening Keynote Speaker (Chen).
October 13, 1987, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Asian Studies Department, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. Invited Speaker (Chen).
October 12, 1987, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: Potentials of optical technology," sponsored by the Danish National Museum and the Danish Center for New Information Technology, at the National Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Invited Speaker (Chen).
October 8, 1987, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," a special tour arranged for the participants of the American Society for Information Science 50th Annual Meeting, Simmons College, Boston.
October 1, 1987, "Libraries in the Information Age," Laser Active '87, Boston, MA. Education Conference Keynote Speaker (Chen). "Using Interactive Videodisc as an Education, Research and Archival Tool," Laser Active '87, Boston, MA. Invited Speaker (Chen).
September 28, 1987, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I Revisited," at the New England Library Association Annual Meeting, Boxborough, MA. Invited Speakers (Chen & Stueart).
August 6, 1987, Six-Museum Videodisc Consortium Project Meeting at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY. Invited Speaker (Chen).
July 11-13, 1987, "Large-Scale Multi-media Database in the Humanities: Case Presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," International Conference on Data Bases in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Montgomery, AL. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
June 29, 1987, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Access to Multimedia Information Sources for Scholarly Research in the Arts," American Library Association Annual Meeting - Art Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, San Francisco. Invited Speaker (Chen).
June 16-18, 1987, "Potential of Interactive Videodisc Technology as Demonstrated via PROJECT EMPEROR-I," The First Pacific Conference on New Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. Keynote Speakers (Chen & Stueart).
June 1-6, 1987, "Potential of Interactive Videodisc Technology for Information Resource Management," International Symposium on Information Resource Management, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. Keynote Speaker (Chen).
May 18, 1987, "Optical Digital Technology for Large Scale Image Processing," American Society for Information Science Mid-year Meeting, Cincinnati, OH. Speaker (Chen).
May 15, 1987, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I and the Chinese Treasure," Simmons College Alumni Day, Boston. Speakers (Chen & Stueart).
April 27, 1987, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," State University of New York at Albany, Special Colloguium sponsored by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. Special Invited Speaker (Chen).
April 12, 1987, "The Potentials of Interactive Videodisc Technology in Areas Studies, with Demonstration on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Association of Asian Studies 39th Annual Meeting, Boston. Invited Speaker (Chen).
March 24-27, 1987, "The First Emperor of China Revealed via Interactive Videodisc Technology," California State University - San Jose, Sacramento, Fullerton, and Long Beach campuses - Distinguished Visiting Professor Lecture Series Lecturer (Chen).
March 9,1987, Southern Connecticut Library Region Special Institute on Optical Applications in Libraries, London, CT. Special Faculty (Chen).
December 4, 1986, "Sample Interactive Courseware Development on the Use of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," 10th International Online Information, London. Invited Speaker (Chen).
December 1, 1986, "Potentials of Interactive Videodiscs; Examples of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," at the British Library, London. Special Speaker (Chen).
October 26, 1986, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," Corporation Meeting, Simmons College, Boston. Special Speakers (Chen).
October 21, 1986, Institute on Optical-Based Information Applications, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Institute Leader (Chen). PROJECT EMPEROR-I disc was demonstrated as illustrations for the day-long institute.
October 9-11, 1986, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's Treasures Revealed via Videodisc Technology," LaserActive ,86: Interactive Information ("Challenges and Applications for Education, Research and Training,") Boston. Special Invited Speaker (Chen).
September 30 - October 2, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Technology in Research, Education, and Training," Special Session at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Speaker (Chen).
September 29, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Information Delivery; Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR - I," Special Session offered at the New England Library Association Annual Meeting, Sturbridge, MA. Speaker (Chen).
September 14-18, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Technology, Information Transfer and Communication: A Case Presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR - I," International Federation for Documentation Conference & Congress, Montreal, Canada. Speaker (Chen).
September 8-11, 1986, "The Potential of Interactive Videodisc for International as Demonstrated by PROJECT EMPEROR - I," 1986 Essen Symposium: Impact of New Information Technology on International Library Cooperation, University of Essen, Essen, Germany. Keynote speaker (Chen).
August 25, 1986, "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's Treasure Revealed via Videodisc Technology," International Federation of Library Association Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. Speakers (Chen & Stueart).
August 17-2O, 1986, "Videodisc technology and its Potential for Library Development and Cooperation," Seminar on Library Development and Cooperation sponsored by the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan. Keynote speaker (Chen).
June 3O, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and the Future of Information Provision," Library Association of Australia Biennial Meeting, Darwin, Australia. Opening keynote Speaker (Chen).
June 12, 1986, "Developmental Trends in Optical Disc Technology," Computer Measurement & Control Corporation, Ministry of Astronautics, Beijing, China. Special Speech (Chen).
May 8, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc and 'the First Emperor of China': Online Access to Multi-Media Information," National Online Meeting, New York. Speaker (Chen).
April 16, 1986, "Lessons from the Documentation of an On Site Project," Seminar on Interactive Videodisc Technology, School of Dentistry, University of Lund, Malmo, Sweden. Keynote speech (Chen).
April 15, 1986, "Videodisk as Medium for Information Storage and Retrieval," Conference on Computers in Humanities, (Conference on Datorer I Humaniora Och Teologi at the University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. Invited speech (Chen).
April 11, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Applications in Humanities," Center for Computing in Humanities, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. Invited speech (Chen).
March 17-21, 1986, "Interactive Videodisk Technology and Micro-computers," Second International Conference on Micro-computer Applications in Libraries, Documentation and Information Centers, Baden-Baden, W. Germany. Keynote speech (Chen).
February 28, 1986, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Its Potential for Multidisciplinary Applications," Institute on Interactive Videodisc Technology, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR. Invited speech (Chen).
December 16, 1985, "Interactive Videodisc Technology as Demonstrated with the First Emperor of China Disc," Library of Congress. Special Invited Speaker (Chen).
December 2-6, 1985, "Online Information & Interactive Videodisc Technology: Case Presentation about PROJECT EMPEROR - I," 9th International Online Information Meeting in London, England. Speaker (Chen.)
November 29-30, 1985, "New Technology and Its Implications for Library and Information Science Education," International Conference on Library and Information Science Education, Taipei, Taiwan, organized by the National Taiwan University. Keynote speaker (Chen).
September 11-12, 1985, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and The Humanities," Conference on Information provision for the Humanities and New Technology (Informationsforsorjning for Humaniora Och Ny Teknologi) at University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden. Keynote speaker (Chen).
August 19, 1985, "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Its potential to China's Modernization," Consultational Meeting on Optical Disc Organized by China Vision, Beijing, China. Special Speaker (Chen).