Invited Speeches & Papers

"Multimedia Applications and The First Emperor of China," was a keynote speech given at the IBM Annual Conference for Remarters in the Pacific Region, Perth, Australia, February 25, 1992.
"Financial Management," was a three-hour seminar given to the New South Wales Branch of the Library Association of Australia in Sydney, Australia on June 16, 1986.
"The Uses of Microcomputers and Data Communication in Libraries," was a special invited talk given at the School of Information Studies, Riverina-Murray Institute of Higher Education, Wagga-Wagga, Australia on June 17, 1986.
"Information-seeking Habits of Individuals; the Effects of New Technology on Us as Information Professionals in Meeting People's Needs," was a special invited talk given to the Riverina Regional Group of the Library Association of Australia in Wagga-Wagga, Australia on June 17, 1986.
"Strategic Planning for Library Managers - Fiscal Considerations," was the topic of a speech given to the Canberra Group of the Library Association of Australia in Canberra, Australia on June 19, 1986.
"Developments in New Information Technology and Implications for Library & Information Professionals," was an invited speech delivered to the South Australia Group of the Library Association of Australia in Adelaide, Australia on June 23, 1986.
"New Information Technology and Future of Library Services," was an invited speech delivered to the Western Australia Group of the Library Association of Australia in Perth, Australia on June 26, 1986.
"The Dynamic Library of the 1980's," was a keynote speech given at the Seminar on Performance Measures: The Accountable Library in Perth, Australia on June 27, 1986.
"The Role of New Information Technology and Academic Library Information Delivery," was a keynote speech given to the Preconference Meeting of the Academic & College Library Division of the Library Association of Australia at the LAA Biennial Conference in Darwin on June 29, 1986.
"Interactive Videodisc Technology and the Future of Information Provision," was the Opening Keynote Speech delivered at the Biennial Conference of the Library Association of Australia in Darwin, Australia on June 30, 1986.
International Training Courses
Seminar on Financial Management, sponsored by the New South Wales Branch, Library Association of Australia, Sydney, Australia, June 16, 1986. Sole Faculty
Workshop on Strategic Planning for Library Managers, sponsored by the Canberra Group, Library Association of Australia, Canberra, Australia, June 19, 1986. Co-Director & Faculty
Seminar on Performance Measures: The Accountable Library, sponsored by the Western Australia Branch, Library Association of Australia, Perth, Australia, June 27, 1986. Keynote speaker