Invited Speeches & Papers
"Information Technologies in the Library Information Science Curriculum," was a round-table discussion talk given to the faculty of the Library Science School, Federal University of Minas Gerias (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 8, 1988.
"Microcomputers and Optical Technologies in Libraries," was the topic of two speeches given at UFMG, School of Library Science, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 8-9, 1988.
"Guidelines for a Specialization Course on Information Resources Management," was another round-talk discussion talk given at the Library Science School, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, August 9, 1988.
"The Role of Microcomputers in Development," was a special invited talk given that the USIS Binational Center, Brasilia, Brazil, August 10, 1988. The talk was cosponsored by the USIS and Brazil National Society of Computer and Peripheral Equipment Users (SUCESU).
"Large-Scale Multi-Media Database Construction: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was delivered at the Federal Senate sponsored by SUCESU, Brasilia, Brazil, August 10, 1988.
"The Role of Microcomputers in Development," was a special speech given at the Brazilian Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IBICT), Brasilia, Brazil, August 11, 1988.
"Hypermedia Information Delivery," was a special speech given at the Department of Library Science, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, August 11, 1988.
"Large Scale Multi-media Database Construction: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at the Fundacao Joaquim Institute of Informatics, Recife, Brazil, August 12, 1988.
"Optical Technologies and Their Implications in the New Information Age - Case Presentation of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a special speech delivered at the U.S. Consulate, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 15, 1988.
"The Role of Communications in Development," was a keynote speech delivered at the National Congress on Library and Information Science celebrating 50th Anniversary of the Sao Paulo Library Association, Centro de Convencoes Reboucas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. on August 16, 1988.
"Hypermedia Information Delivery and Optical Technology," was the topic of two additional sessions given at the Congress on August 17, 1988.
"The Role of Communications and Optical Technologies in Development," was an invited speech given at FIESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 18, 1988.
"The Role of Microcomputers and Optical Technologies in Development: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech delivered to the Faculty and students of the Communication School, Federal University, Porto Alegre, Brazil, August 19, 1988.