Invited Speeches & Papers

  • "Quantitative Evaluation of Library Services," at the 2Oth Annual Meeting of the North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 28, 1977 - Group Leader.
  • "Looking at Selective Medical and Scientific Information Centers Around the World from Horseback," was a speech delivered at the 2Oth Annual Meeting of the North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 29, 1977.
  • "Statistical Methods in Libraries," and "Library and Information Science Development in China," were the two invited talks delivered at the School of Library Service, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada on April 11, 1980.
  • "Information Related Research: Personal View," was the title of an invited talk given at the Doctoral Colloquium of the Faculty of Library Science, University of Toronto, April 21, 1980.
  • "New Information Age and the Implications for the Education and Training of Information Professionals," is the invited speech given at the Colloquium at the Graduate School of Library Science, McGill University, Montreal, on September 28, 1984.
  • "New Technology and Its Implications for Librarians," is the keynote speech given by Dr. Chen at the Quebec Library Association meeting in Montreal, April 26, 1985.
  • "Interactive Videodisc Technology, Information Transfer and Communication: A Case Presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a paper delivered at the International Federation for Documentation Conference & Congress, Montreal, Canada, September 16, 1986.
  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I's Videodiscs," was a sub-sessional talk with demonstration at the Institute on Optical-Based Information Applications (directed by Dr. Chen), McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 21, 1986.
  • "Hypermedia in Libraries," was a keynote speech presented at the College/Research Library Divisional Meeting of the Saskatchewan Library Association and Saskatchewan School Library Association joint Conference (Developing Minds), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, April 19, 1991.
  • "The First Emperor of China and multimedia technology applications: From full text to multimedia, from print, analog to digital," was a keynote given at the Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Vancouver, BC, Canada, January 8, 1994.

  • International Training Courses

  • Institute on Integrating Micro-Based DBMS in Libraries, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, May 1, 1985. Sole Faculty
  • Institute on Optical-Based Information Applications, sponsored by McGill University, Montreal, Canada, October 21, 1986. Director & Sole Faculty