• Consultant to the Chung-Shan Institute of Scientific Research of Taiwan
  • 1977-1978
  • Consultant to the Scientific and Technical Information Center, National Science Council, Taiwan
  • 1973-1977
  • Consultant to Lynn Hospital, Lynn, MA
  • March 1978
  • Consultant to Abt Associates, Inc. on the comprehensive evaluation project of the National Library of Medicine's Regional Medical Library program
  • October 1980 - 1982
  • Consultant to the South-East Asia Region of the World Health Organization of the development of a detailed curriculum for the Regional Training Program of the health sciences librarians in the Health Sciences Libraries and Literature Information Service Network (HELLIS)
  • December 1980
  • Consultant to the South-East Asia Region of the World Health Organization on the offering of the first Regional Training Program
    to top-level health sciences librarians in the eleven countries of the region
  • August 1981
  • Consultant to the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization on the on the offering of an intensive training course on medical library and information management for top-level health sciences information staff from the North-East Region of China, Tianjian Medical College, Tianjian, People's Republic of China
  • December 1981 - January 1982
  • Consultant to the Western Pacific Region of the World Health Organization on the offering of an intensive training course on medical library and information management for top-level health sciences information staff from the South-West and North-West Regions of China at Kunming Medical College, Kunming, China
  • May-June 1982
  • Consultant to Engineering Information, Inc.
  • December 1982
  • Consultant to Berkshire Community College, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
  • April-May 1983
  • Consultant to Connecticut State Library in Planning Library Services and Programs for Year 2000
  • February 1984-1986
  • Consultant to Unesco, Paris
  • August 12-15, 1984
  • Consultant to Unesco. Served as Resource Consultant to the Asian Regional Seminar Workshop on the Application of Microcomputers to Library & Information Management at Institute of Library Science, University of the Philippines, October 29 - November 2, 1984. Offered a course on the Use of Microcomputers in Information Work in Beijing,
    China, November 4-17, 1984 co-sponsored by ISTIC and Unesco
  • October 28- November 17, 1984
  • Consultant, National Geographic Society
  • August 1985
  • Consultant, Norman Bethuen University of Medical Sciences Library, Chang Chun, Jilin, China sponsored by World Bank
  • May 1986
  • Consultant to U.S. Information Agency (to Yugoslavia)
  • July 1986
  • Consultant to the NASA Johnson Space Center
  • 1986-1987
  • Consultant to the photo Archives Division, Getty Trust, Santa Monica, CA
  • February 1988
  • Consultant, Academic Specialist Program U.S. Information Agency
    (to Martinique)
  • May 1988
  • Consultant, U.S. Information Agency (to Brazil)
  • August 1988
  • Consultant and Co-Investigator with Dr. David I. Raitt in completing
    their study on "The Use of Optical Products in European Libraries" for the International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID), sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities, NORDINFO, and FID
  • 1989
  • Consultant to the World Bank on China University Development
  • March 1990
  • Consultant to Oblin College on the Development of Campus Facilities
    for the Year
  • April 1990
  • Consultant to DataConsult, Mexico
  • April 1990 - 1991
  • Consultant to Strategic Intelligence Systems, Inc., New York
  • 1991 - 1991
  • Consultant to the Soros Foundation on New Info Technology Program
  • September 1992 - April 1993
  • Consultant/Speaker for USIS, Japan
  • April 1993
  • Consultant/Speaker for USIS, Caracus, Venezuela
  • October 1993
  • Consultant to the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
  • January 1994
  • Consultant/Speaker for USIS, Moscow
  • May 20 - June 4, 1994
  • Consultant/speaker to the Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China for Linan Foundation
  • March 1995
  • Consultant to Lavra National Museum, Kiev, Ukraine for USIS
  • July 1995