Invited Speeches & Papers
"Hypermedia Technologies and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was the keynote address given at the Annual Meeting of Library Instruction Round Table at the American Library Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June 24, 1990.
"Interactive Videodisc Technology in Research, Education, and Training," was a special session at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, September 30, 1986.
"MicroUse: Microcomputer Applications Database," was presented to the LITA Microcomputer Users Interest Group at the ALA Midwinter Meeting, Chicago on January 18, 1986.
"Coping with a Shrinking Resources Budget," was the keynote speech delivered at the first Spring Conference of the Resources and Technical Services Section of the Illinois Library Association held in Champaign, Illinois, April 9-11, 1979.
"Current State of the Art in Operations Research in Librarianship," - Invited speech delivered to the Research Interest Group at the 1978 Association of American Library Schools Annual Conference, Chicago, January 22, 1978.
"DBASE II-IBM MicroUse Database," given at the session on "DBASE Management Systems," which was sponsored by ASIS SIG/Classification Research at the ASIS Mid-Year Meeting, May 22, 1984, Bloomington, Indiana.
"Hypermedia/Multimedia Technologies Revealed Through PROJECT EMPEROR-I (The First Emperor of China)," was the feature presentation given by Dr. Chen at the conference on "The Library: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Varied Perspectives," part of the Dedication of the Abigail S. Timme Library, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, MI, March 31, 1990.
"Professional Organizations' Role on Information Flow," Keynote speech presented at the Conference on the Transfer of Scholarly, Scientific and Technical Information Between North and South America, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 11, 1983 co-sponsored by the Conference and the ASIS Michigan Chapter.
"Golden Opportunities for Information Professionals in the 1980's," was the Convocation Speech delivered at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on March 21, 1980 when Dr. Chen was presented the School of Library Science's Distinguished Alumnus Award on March 21, 1980.
"Interactive Videodisc Technology and Microcomputers: A Case Presentation on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a special invited speech delivered at the Conference on the Future of the Public Library at Dublin, OH, March 20, 1988, sponsored by the OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
"Potentials of Interactive Videodisc Technology in Libraries" was a special invited speech given at the Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Pittsburgh, February 8, 1988.
''Optical Digital Technology for Large Scale Image Processing," was a talk presented at the 16th Mid-Year Meeting of the American Society for Information Science on Laser Optical Disk and VideoBased Information Systems: The New Technologies, at Kings Island Inn, Kings Island, OH, May 18, 1987.
"Current Status and Future potentials of Microcomputer Applications in Libraries," is the keynote speech given at the Greater Cincinnati Library Consortium's meeting on "The Incredible Usable Microcomputer Library Applications" at the University of Cincinnati, Raymond Walters College, on September 18, 1984.
"Research, Education and Practice: Where is the Middle Ground?" was presented at a panel sponsored by SIG/ED at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Columbus, OH, October 20, 1982.
"Personal Views on International Consultantship for Developing Countries," was given at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Columbus, OH, October 18, 1982.
"Difficulties Faced by International Students in the U.S. Information Science Program," was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Columbus, OH, October 18, 1982.
"The Role of Libraries in the Electronic Age as Reflected in Research Studies of Citizen Information Needs," was the topic of Dr. Chen's invited speech given as part of the Distinguished Seminar Series at OCLC, Dublin, Ohio on May 10, 1982.