Invited Speeches & Papers

  • "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Micro-computers," was a special invited talk given at the Second International Conference on the Application of Micro-Computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, at Baden-Baden, Germany on March 20, 1986.

  • "Microcomputers as Information Retrieval Tool," was part of the invited panel presentation given at the Second International Conference on the Application of Micro-Computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, at Baden-Baden, Germany on March 21, 1986.

  • "The Potential of Interactive Videodisc for International Cooperation as Demonstrated by PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a keynote speech given at the 1986 Essen Symposium: Impact of New Information Technology on International Library Cooperation, University of Essen, Essen, Germany, September 11, 1986.

  • "Hypermedia/Multimedia Technology and New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s," was a keynote speech delivered at the 1989 Essen Symposium on Developments in Microcomputing - Discovering New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s, Essen, W. Germany, October 24, 1989.

  • International Training Courses

  • Workshop on Integrating Micro-based Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) in Libraries at the Second International Conference on the Application of Micro-computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Baden-Baden, Germany, March 19, 1986. Sole Instructor