PROJECT EMPEROR-I has also been covered extensively in various high tech industry publications and electronic publishing products. These include:

Sun: systems for Campus Computing" published by Sun MicroSystems, Inc., April 1989. PROJECT EMPEROR-I is one of the three university projects selected for inclusion in this brochure for distribution to higher education and research institutions worldwide.

American Library Association Annual Meeting in June 1989, PROJECT EMPEROR-I's hypermedia application was on display at the Apple Booth in the exhibition.
PROJECT EMPEROR-I has contributed to the videodisc produced by Sun MicroSystems for EDUCOM Conference, October 1989.
The Visual Almanac (a videodisc with a set of 20 floppy disks with HyperCard programs) produced by the Multimedia Group of Apple Computer, Inc. includes contribution from PROJECT EMPEROR-I.
PROJECT EMPEROR-I has also contributed to the CD-ROM and Videodisc Samplers for Higher Education, to be produced by Apple Computer, Inc. in the beginning of 1990.
Worked with IBM's Linkway developers to develop demonstration application for IBM's new M-Motion card.
INFORMA '91: Technology Management for the '90s, Long Beach, CA, April 7-9, 1991. Sponsored by IBM. PROJECT EMPEROR-I's IBM prototype was on display at the exhibition.

"Once and Future King: IBM Multimedia Brings History Back to Life," Multimedia Solutions 5 (2): 11-13 (March/April 1991).

"Multimedia and the First Emperor of China: Moving Toward a Digital Knowledge Base," Multimedia Today pp.68-71 (April 1994).

Bickford, Carolyn, "The 50 Best CD-ROM," MacUser pp. 73-81 (October 1994).