Industry Media Coverage

PROJECT EMPEROR-I has also been covered extensively in various high tech industry publications and electronic publishing products. These include:

  • Sun: systems for Campus Computing" published by Sun MicroSystems, Inc., April 1989. PROJECT EMPEROR-I is one of the three university projects selected for inclusion in this brochure for distribution to higher education and research institutions worldwide.

  • American Library Association Annual Meeting in June 1989, PROJECT EMPEROR-I's hypermedia application was on display at the Apple Booth in the exhibition.

  • PROJECT EMPEROR-I has contributed to the videodisc produced by Sun MicroSystems for EDUCOM Conference, October 1989.
  • The Visual Almanac (a videodisc with a set of 20 floppy disks with HyperCard programs) produced by the Multimedia Group of Apple Computer, Inc. includes contribution from PROJECT EMPEROR-I.
  • PROJECT EMPEROR-I has also contributed to the CD-ROM and Videodisc Samplers for Higher Education, to be produced by Apple Computer, Inc. in the beginning of 1990.

  • Worked with IBM's Linkway developers to develop demonstration application for IBM's new M-Motion card.

  • INFORMA '91: Technology Management for the '90s, Long Beach, CA, April 7-9, 1991. Sponsored by IBM. PROJECT EMPEROR-I's IBM prototype was on display at the exhibition.

  • "Once and Future King: IBM Multimedia Brings History Back to Life," Multimedia Solutions 5 (2): 11-13 (March/April 1991).

  • "Multimedia and the First Emperor of China: Moving Toward a Digital Knowledge Base," Multimedia Today pp.68-71 (April 1994).

  • Bickford, Carolyn, "The 50 Best CD-ROM," MacUser pp. 73-81 (October 1994).