• Tutorial on Microcomputer Applications in Libraries, at the International Conference on the Application of Mini-and Micro-computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 13-18, 1983. Sole Faculty at the one-day tutorial, March 16, 1983.

  • Seminar on Information Management and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1-2, 1983, co-sponsored by the National Taiwan University, Chinese Library Association, and the Taipei Chapter of the American Society for information Science Sole. Invited Speaker

  • Asian Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Application of Microcomputers to Library and Information Management, Institute of Library Science, University of the Philippines, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 1984. Resource Consultant for Unesco

  • Course on the Use of Microcomputers in Information Work, Beijing, China, November 4-17, 1984. Co-sponsored by ISTIC and Unesco. Sole Faculty

  • Institute on Integrating Micro-Based DBMS in Libraries, McGill University, Montreal, May 1, 1985. Sole Faculty

  • Workshop on Integrating Micro-based Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) in Libraries at the Second International Conference on the Application of Micro-computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Baden-Baden, Germany, March 19, 1986. Sole Instructor

  • Training Course on Medical Information Management & New Information Technology, Norman Bethuen University of Medical Sciences, Chang Chun, Jilin, China, May 17-30, 1986. Sole Faculty

  • Institute on Optical-Based Information Applications, sponsored by McGill University, Montreal, Canada, October 21, 1986. Director & Sole Faculty

  • Institute on Optical Technologies and Microcomputers in Libraries and Information Centers, the Department of Library and Information Science, Abo Akademi, Abo, Finland, April 5-7, 1988. Special invited Institute Faculty

  • ''Optical Disk Technology Institute'' at the 44th FID (Federation of Information Documentation) Conference and Congress, Helsinki, Finland, August 30, 1988. Sole Institute Faculty and Speaker

  • Seminar on the Use of New Information Technology in Libraries held at the University Pertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Both seminars were sponsored by Unesco and organized by the National Library of Malaysia and the Library Association of Malaysia, June 2-3, 1989. Sole Speaker and Resource Leader

  • The Workshop on Database Management Techniques held at the University ertanian Malaysia, Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Both seminars were sponsored by Unesco and organized by the National Library of Malaysia and the Library Association of Malaysia, June 2-3, 1989. Sole Speaker and Resource Leader

  • Seminar on Implementing Multimedia/Hypermedia applications and Planning Own Optical Publishing: In-House Solution to Complex Information Delivery Problems, in conjunction with the 13th International Online Meeting in London, England, December 15, 1989. Sole Seminar Leader

  • Seminar on Developing Hypermedia Applications: Basics and Processes, was offered at the FID meeting, Havana, Cuba, September 18, 1990. Director and Sole Instructor

  • Seminar on Developing Hypermedia Applications: Basics and Processes, offered at the FID Meeting, Havana, Cuba, September 18, 1990. Director and Sole Instructor

  • Seminar on Multimedia/Hypermedia Technologies, Sociedad Espanola de Documentación e Información Cientifica, Madrid, Spain, march 11-12, 1991. Sole Institute Speaker

  • Desktop CD-ROM Publishing: The Making of Your Own CD-ROM , offered at the International Online Meeting, London, December 10, 1991. Sole Institute Speaker

  • Planning Own Electronic Publishing and Implementing Desktop CD-ROM Publishing , offered at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv, May 20, 1992. Sole Institute Speaker

  • Producing Your Own Multimedia CD, offered at the International Online Meeting, London, December 10, 1993. Sole Institute Speaker

  • Digital Imaging, Multimedia and the Internet, offered at the Online Information 94, London, December 8, 1994. Sole Institute Speaker (one-day institute)