• Course on Quantitative Methods in Library Management, University of Guanajuato, Mexico, November 10-15, 1980. Invited Faculty (by the Mexican Library Association)

  • Regional Training Course for the top-level health sciences librarians from the eight countries of the South East Asia Region of the World Health Organization, New Delhi, India, August 1981. Consultant and Faculty

  • Training Course for health sciences librarians in the People's Republic of China, at Tienjien Medical College, Tienjien, China, December/January 1982, sponsored by the Western pacific Region of the World Health Organization. Consultant and Faculty

  • Training Course for Health Sciences Librarians and Information Staff in the People's Republic of China, at Kunming Medical College, Kunming, China, June 1982, sponsored by the Western pacific Region of the World Health Organization. Consultant and Faculty

  • Seminar on Information Management and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1-2, 1983, co-sponsored by the National Taiwan University, Chinese Library Association, and the Taipei Chapter of the American Society for information Science Sole. Invited Speaker

  • Asian Regional Seminar-Workshop on the Application of Microcomputers to Library and Information Management, Institute of Library Science, University of the Philippines, Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 1984. Resource Consultant for Unesco

  • Training Course on Medical Information Management & New Information Technology, Norman Bethuen University of Medical Sciences, Chang Chun, Jilin, China, May 17-30, 1986. Sole Faculty

  • Seminar on Financial Management, sponsored by the New South Wales Branch, Library Association of Australia, Sydney, Australia, June 16, 1986. Sole Faculty

  • Workshop on Strategic Planning for Library Managers, sponsored by the Canberra Group, Library Association of Australia, Canberra, Australia, June 19, 1986. Co-Director & Faculty
  • Seminar on Performance Measures: The Accountable Library, sponsored by the Western Australia Branch, Library Association of Australia, Perth, Australia, June 27, 1986. Keynote speaker

  • Seminar on Implementing Multimedia/Hypermedia applications and Planning Own Optical Publishing: In-House Solution to Complex Information Delivery Problems, in conjunction with the 13th International Online Meeting in London, England, December 15, 1989. Sole Seminar Leader