Invited Speeches & Papers

"An Overview of Microcomputer Hardware in the U.S.," was presented at the International Conference on the Application of Mini- and Micro- computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Tel-Aviv, Israel, on March 14, 1983 at the Hardware session, chaired also by Dr. Chen.
"CD-ROM and Electronic Publishing," was an invited talk given at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv, May 18, 1992.
"Multimedia Applications - State of the Art and Future Trends," was an invited talk given at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv, May 20, 1992.
"Multimedia Applications and The First Emperor of China," was a special keynote session given at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv, May 20, 1992.

"Electronic publishing in the current digital environment: Challenges and potentials" and "Virtual realities in libraries" were two invited papers presented at INFO 95: 10th Anniversary, Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 14-18, 1995.
"From here to the information and communication in the 21st century" was an specially invited keynote speech presented at INFO 95 10th Anniversary in celebration of the 10th Anniversary in Tel-Aviv, Israel, May 14-18, 1995.
International Training Courses
Tutorial on Microcomputer Applications in Libraries, at the International Conference on the Application of Mini- and Micro-computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Tel-Aviv, Israel, March 13-18, 1983. Sole Faculty at the one-day tutorial, March 16, 1983.
Planning Own Electronic Publishing and Implementing Desktop CD-ROM Publishing , offered at the INFO '92, Tel Aviv, Israel, May 20, 1992. Sole Institute Speaker