Invited Speeches & Papers

"The Coming of the Digital Visual Information Age: Implications for Information Access and Library Professional," was a major speech given to over 100 librarians in Tokyo, April 15, 1993. The meeting was sponsored by the Tokyo American Center and the Electronic Library Consortium of Japan.
"The State of Library Technology in the US: The Coming of the Digital Visual Information Age," was a major speech delivered to over 150 Japanese librarians and information specialist at the Aichi Prefectural Library, Nagoya, Japan, on April 14, 1993. The meeting was sponsored by the Nayoga American Center, Aichi Prefectural Library, The Association of University Libraries and the Tokai Region/Tokai-Hokuriku Database Promotion Association.

"The Library in the New Technological Age," was a talk given to academic librarians and library educators in Kyoto, Japan, sponsored by the Kyoto American Center, April 13, 1993.
"The Challenge to Library and Information professionals in the Visual Information Age in the US," was an invited speech given to over 50 members of the Special Library Association of Japan, as well as academic librarians in the city of Osaka, Japan, April 12, 1993. The meeting was sponsored by thee Osaka American Center and the Kansai Chapter of the Japan Special Library Association.

"PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's Treasure Revealed via Videodisc Technology," was a joint paper with Dean Robert D. Stueart delivered at the International Federation of Library Association Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, August 25, 1986.