Library Literature

Carson, Sylvia, "Technology integration and hypermedia information delivery: Potentials for librarians [summary report of the LITA President's Program, the keynote with the same title given by Ching-chih Chen," LITA Newsletter 10 (4): 2-3 (Fall 1989).

"Simmons' project tracks treasures of Qin dynasty with new technology," American Libraries 17 (3): Complete front cover, 215 (March 1986).

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I premiered in Boston," Library Times International 2 (5): 88 (March 1986).
  • "Interactive videodisc: 'First Emperor of China,' an interactive videodisc, premiered on December 13 at the Boston Public Library," Library Journal 111: 18 (February 1, 1986).
  • "PROJECT EMPEROR Preview Given at Simmons," NEASIS Newsletter (New England Chapter, American Society for Information Science," No. 1985-4 (October 1985), p. 3.
  • "Ching-chih and the emperor," Library Journal 110 (11): 10 (June 15, 1985).
  • "PROJECT EMPER0R-I," Information Development 1 (2): 73 (April 1985).
  • "Chen to direct NEH supported Project Emperor-I," The Electronic Library 3 (2): 81 (April 1985).
  • "Ching-chih to reveal China's past via videodisk," NELA Newsletter 17 (l): 4 (February 1985).
  • "Ching-chih Chen to Direct videodisc Recording of Chinese Archaeology," Library Hotline 8 (37): 3 (November 12, 1984).