Invited Speeches & Papers

  • "The Role of Library and Information Professionals," was an invited key-note speech delivered at the 12th Mexican Library Association Annual Meeting in San Luis Potosi, Mexico on May 4, 1981.
  • "Americans' Information Seeking Patterns," was a key-note Program delivered at the 12th Mexican Library Association Annual Meeting in San Luis Potosi, Mexico on May 4, 1981.

  • "The Challenge to Library and Information Professionals in the Visual Information Age," was the keynote speech given at NIT'90: The Third International Conference on New Information Technology, Guadalajara, Mexico, November 28, 1990.

  • International Training Courses

  • Course on Quantitative Methods in Library Management, University of Guanajuato, Mexico, November 10-15, 1980. Invited Faculty (by the Mexican Library Association)