Speeches in Mid Atlantic States


New Jersey
New York

Invited Speeches & Papers

New Jersey

  • "Multi-Media Works!" was a speech delivered at the Educational media Association of NJ's Annual Fall Conference on December 4, 1995, in Long Branch, NJ.

  • "Artificial Intelligence, Hypertext: Is There a Role for the Library in the New Technology?" was a keynote speech given at the Special Libraries Association Princeton-Trenton Chapter Special Meeting, entitled Hypermedia: The Electronic Library of the Future, Princeton, New Jersey, March 19, 1992.

  • "HyperMedia: Accessing the Web of Information," was the keynote speech delivered by Dr. Chen at Plug into the Future: The Electronic Library Meets the 21st Century, Monmouth County Library, Manalapan, NJ, March 30, 1990 (sponsored by the NJ Library Association and the NJ State Library).

    New York

  • >"New Optical Technologies and Media for Information Access," was a paper presented at a session entitled "Advanced Technology to Support Users Data Serve Access," at the National Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 5-7, 1992.

  • "Multimedia technology and applications: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," an invited lecture given at the School of Library Service at Columbia University, New York, New York, September 26, 1991.

  • "CD-ROM in the Multimedia Information Age," was a key presentation made at the session,"CD-ROMs - Dynasty or Dinosaur? Will New Storage Technology (Optical, Interactive Disks, et al) Replace CD-ROMs?" at the IOLS '91, New York, NY, May 9, 1991.

  • "Databases: Multimedia, Mixed Media and Alternate Media," was the opening panel which Prof. Chen participated as a panelist at the National Online Meeting, New York, May 7, 1991.

  • "Technology Integration and Multimedia Information Delivery," is the keynote speech delivered at the Alumni Annual Meeting, Drexel University - College of Information Studies, October 9, 1990.

  • "How Optical Products Have Been Used in the U.S. and Western Europe," was a joint paper delivered at the 11th National Online Meeting, May 1-3, 1990, New York by Drs. Chen and David I. Raitt.

  • "Online Hypermedia Information Delivery," was a talk given at the 11th National Online Meeting, May 2, 1990, New York. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1990.

  • "Educating Academic Librarians in Coping with New Technological Change," was the keynote speech delivered to the Spring Conference of the Eastern New York Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, SUC/Oneonta, NY, April 22, 1988.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: Its Interactive Course Development and Image Database," was an invited talk given to the Six-Museum Consortium on Interactive Videodisc Project at the Museum of Modern Arts, New York, August 6, 1987.

  • "Interactive Videodisc Technology and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was delivered as the Special Invited Speech at the State University of New York at Albany at its Special Colloquium sponsored by the College of Humanities and Fine Arts on April 27, 1987.

  • "Interactive Videodisc and 'the First Emperor of China: Online Access to Multi-Media Information," was a talk presented at the National Online Meeting in New York City on May 8, 1986.

  • ''Don't Publish Because You Have To!'' was an invited speech given at the Chinese American Librarians Association Annual Meeting at New York, June 30, 1980.

  • ''Library Effectiveness in Meeting Information Consumer's Needs," was jointly presented at the LAMA Pre-Conference on Library Effectiveness of the ALA on June 28, 1980 in New York.

  • "Information Science Development, Education and Training in China: A Recent Experience," an invited talk given at the School of Information Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo, November 30, 1979.

  • "Using Information for Library Management," given at the New York Library Association Annual Meeting, Syracuse, NY, October 19-20, 1979.

  • "Problem-Oriented Library and Information Research," featured speech at the Northeast Chapter's First Annual Conference of the Chinese-American Librarians Assoc., New York, September 29, 1979.

  • "An Overview of Zero-Base Budgeting," was a talk given at the ASIS Post-Conference Institute on Zero-Base Budgeting, New York, November 17, 1978.

  • "Collection Use Data and Library Decision Making," was the speech given at the workshop on Management Information System & Library Decision Making at the New York State Conference on Library Automation at Albany, New York, September 26-28, 1978.


  • "The Multi-Media Information Age," was a special invited lecture given at the Provost Lecture Series entitled Innovation in Leadership, 1992-1993, at at Penn State Harrisburg, PA, March 24, 1993. During her two-day visit, Professor Chen also gave a series of 4 mini lectures, ranging from imaging, multimedia technology in education, information technology in business, and information technology and global communication to various groups of students, faculty and staff.

  • "The Case of the First Emperor of China: Multi-platform and Multitype Hypermedia Applications," was a special invited lecture given at the Computers in Academic, 1992-93 Lecture Series at the University of Pittsburgh 1992-1993 on March 19, 1993.

  • "Multimedia Information Provision on the Multi-Track Information Superhighways: Opportunities, Challenges and Issues," was a keynote speech presented at the Conference Finale at the Annual Pennsylvania Library Association Conference entitled Shared Values, Common Purposes, at the Mountain Laurel Resort and Conference Center, Kidder Township, Pennsylvania, October 5, 1991.

  • "Hypermedia Technology Integration and Information Delivery: The experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was the keynote address given by Dr. Chen at the Post Conference on Hypermedia, Carnegie Mellon University, May 18, 1990, co-sponsored by Pittsburgh Regional Library Center and Consortium on Computing in Undergraduate Education (C-CUE).

  • "Hypermedia Information Delivery as Shown by PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a keynote speech delivered at the SPACE Council Meeting on New Micro-Based Technologies and Software for Small & Medium-Sized Libraries, Middleton, PA, August 17, 1989.

  • "Information Services in Developing Countries," was given at the AASL International Relations Committee program on Library Services to Children in School Around the World, at the ALA Meeting, Philadelphia, July 13, 1982.