Invited Speeches & Papers


  • "First Emperor of China: A Multimedia Presentation of His Life and Times via Videodisc Technology," was a special invited speech presented at a Community Lecture Series sponsored by the University Library Society, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on April 13-14, 1989.

  • "Interactive Video Instruction," and "Image Databases and Interactive Video," are more talks presented at University of Nevada, sponsored by the Computer Science Department of the University on April 14, 1989.

  • "Technology: Tool or Tyrant?" was addressed by Dr. Chen as a panelist at the Key Issues Forum presented by the Governor's Conference on the Future of Libraries at the Clark County Community College Library, Las Vegas, NV, February 7, 1990.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was the Principal Feature given at the KnowShow '90: A Mini-Conference on Library Technology, presented by the Las Vegas - Clark County Library District, February 8, 1990.