Invited Speeches & Papers
"First Emperor of China: A Multimedia Presentation of His Life and Times via Videodisc Technology," was a special invited speech presented at a Community Lecture Series sponsored by the University Library Society, at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas on April 13-14, 1989.
"Interactive Video Instruction," and "Image Databases and Interactive Video," are more talks presented at University of Nevada, sponsored by the Computer Science Department of the University on April 14, 1989.
"Technology: Tool or Tyrant?" was addressed by Dr. Chen as a panelist at the Key Issues Forum presented by the Governor's Conference on the Future of Libraries at the Clark County Community College Library, Las Vegas, NV, February 7, 1990.
"PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was the Principal Feature given at the KnowShow '90: A Mini-Conference on Library Technology, presented by the Las Vegas - Clark County Library District, February 8, 1990.