New Hampshire
Rhode Island

Invited Speeches & Papers


  • "Multimedia and The First Emperor of China" was an invited speech presented at the Fall Workshop on the Use of Multimedia Presentations in Libraries at the College and University Section of Connecticut Library Association, University of Hartford, Mortenson Library, Hartford, Connecticut, October 17,1995.

  • "Multimedia and The First Emperor of China" was an invited speech presented at the Fall Workshop on the Use of Multimedia Presentations in Libraries at the College and University Section of Connecticut Library Association, University of Hartford, Mortenson Library, Hartford, Connecticut, October 17, 1995.

  • "Multimeda and Hypermedia Technology: The Future for Computers and Video," was the keynote speech given at "Video 12," New England's leading video/computer professional conference of CHETA (Connecticut Higher Education Telecommunications Association), Quinnipiac College - Hamden, CT, May 28, 1992.

  • "New Media, New Mission: Where Can Interactive Videodisc Technology Take Us?" was an invited presentation delivered to the Preconference Program of the Connecticut Educational Media Association Annual Meeting in New Haven, CT, November 4, 1987.

  • "Optical Disc Applications in Libraries: The Potential for Library Information Delivery," as the central theme of a workshop delivered at the Southern Connecticut Library Region Special Institute on Optical Applications in Libraries, Connecticut College, New London, CT, March 9, 1987.

  • "Summary Results of the Connecticut Citizens' Information Need Assessment and Library Use Survey," was presented at the Connecticut State Library's Retreat Meeting for Planning Library Services for Year 2000 at Myrtle Beach, CT, May 29, 1984.

  • "Microcomputers and Their Potential for Libraries," was presented at the University of Hartford, CT, April 19, 1983 at the Conference on "New Technologies: Library Usage for Scientists and Engineers."

  • "New England Citizens' Use of Libraries and Information Seeking," was a session presented by Drs. Ching-chih Chen and Peter Hernon, and sponsored by the Reference and Adult Services Section at the Connecticut Library Association Annual Meeting in Hartford, CT on April 23, 1981.


  • ''Maine Citizens' Information Seeking Patterns,'' was presented by Drs. Chen and Peter Hernon at the Maine Library Association's Annual Conference on June 2, 1980 in Portland, Maine.


  • "Multimedia, World-Wide Web, virtual library: The effect on the future of the library," was the invited speech for the WACL (Western Academic & Collelge Libraries) Cataloging Committee, Assumption College, Worcester, Massachusetts, November 2, 1995.

  • "Multimedia in museums: Contents vs technology," was delivered at the MacWorld, Boston, MA, August 6, 1994.

  • "Internet in university education," was delievered at the MacWorld, Boston, MA, August 5, 1994.

  • "Comments on latest information technology developments and implications for library and information professionals," was an hour-long teleconferencing interview session on May 18, 1994, organized by USIA (Voice of America) between Madrid and Boston for Spanish information professionals and scientists. [Recording cassette available from Voice of America, USIA - May 18, 1994.

  • "CD-ROMs in university research libraries," was a session offered at the CD-ROM Expo '93: Profiting from Digital Publishing, Boston, MA, October 27, 1993.

  • "Transitioning From Print/Online to Digital: Dealing with Vast Amounts of Data PLUS Video and Images" was a talk given at the CD-ROM Conference & Exposition '93, Boston, October 29, MA, 1993.

  • "Understanding interactive multimedia," was a talk given at the CD-ROM Expo '93: Profiting from Digital Publishing, Boston, MA, October 27, 1993.

  • "Creating multimedia QuickTime CD from analogue interactive videodisc materials: The PROJECT EMPEROR-I experience," was a talk given at the MacWorld, Boston, MA, August 6, 1993.

  • "Two Months to a CD-ROM: We Did It and So Can You!" was an invited talk given at the MacWorld, Boston, MA, August 4-7, 1992.

  • "Use of New Information Technology in Third World Countries," was an invited speech presented at the Association of Information and Dissemination Centers 1991 Fall Meeting, of the theme "The Path of Information: Is it Paved with Good Inventions?", at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers, Boston, MA, September 22, 1991.

  • "Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at a panel, "Multimedia in Education,"at MACWORLD EXPO/BOSTON moderated by Conference Director Peggy Kilburn at the Bayside Expo Center, Boston, MA, August 8, 1991.

  • "The Multimedia Information Age and the Networked Environment of the 21st Century," was an invited speech presented at NERCOMP (New England Regional Computing Program) Twentieth Anniversary Meeting, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, June 7, 1991.

  • "HyperMedia Information Delivery and the First Emperor of China," was a special talk given to the Faculty and Staff at the Simmons College, December 6, 1989.

  • "Hypermedia Applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was given at the Institute on the Nuts-and-Bolts of Implementing Hypermedia Applications at the GSLIS, Simmons College, Boston, November 17-18, 1989. The Institute was directed by Dr. Chen.

  • "Hypermedia Applications of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a talk given to the students of the GSLIS, Simmons College, sponsored by the Library Student Association, on November 14, 1989.

  • "Hypermedia Applications in Public Institutions Including Museums and Archives: A Global View," was a talk Institute on Hypermedia/Multimedia: They Are Here! a continuing education offering at the GSLIS, Simmons College, Boston, April 22, 1989. The Institute was directed by Dr. Chen.

  • "Hypermedia: Information Delivery in an Integrated Environment," was a keynote speech delivered at the Optical Technologies: New Horizons in Information Processing, Worcester State College, MA. November 28, 1988.

  • ''The First Emperor of China: An Interactive Videodisc Presentation,'' was presented to the Community of Lexington, MA, November 19, 1988 as part of the town"s long standing Cary Lecture Series.

  • "Integrated Information Technology Integration and Hypermedia Information Delivery: The Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I,"at a paper presented at the LITA (Library & Information Technology Association) 2nd National Conference, Boston, October 5, 1988. Session on "Effective Management of Image Databases: Incorporating Visual Images Into Information Systems and Services" chaired by Ching-chih Chen. Speaker (Chen).

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I and Its Multi-faceted Activities," was a special post-conference demonstration/lecture for a group of participants of the RIAO 88 Conference on User-Oriented Content Based Text and Image Handling, at Simmons College, March 25, 1988.

  • "Modern Data Storage & Retrieval Systems," was an invited talk given to the DARPA/Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA on December 17, 1987.

  • "Potentials of Interactive Videodisc Technology as Demonstrated by PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was delivered at the Institute on New Media, New Missions: Libraries in the Laser-Optical Era, Simmons College, Boston, November 21, 1987.

    "Microcomputer Applications in Using PROJECT EMPEROR-I Videodiscs," was a keynote speech given at the New England Microcomputer Users Group Annual Meeting at Simmons College, Boston, MA, November 7, 1987.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I," special presentation at Simmons College to tour group arranged for the participants of the American Society for Information Sciences' 5Oth Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, October 8, 1987.

  • "Libraries in the Information Age," and "Using Interactive Videodisc as an Education, Research, and Archival Tool," Keynote speech and invited talk, respectively, at the Education Conference of the LaserActive '87, Boston, MA, October 1, 1987.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I REVISITED," was an invited presentation given by Profs. Chen and Stueart at the New England Library Association Annual Meeting at Boxborough Sheraton, Boxborough, MA on September 28, 1987.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I and the Chinese Treasure," was an invited talk jointly presented with Dr. Robert D. Stueart at the Eighteenth Annual Alumnae Day, Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science, May 15, 1987.

  • "The Potentials of Interactive Videodisc Technology in Area Studies: With Demonstration on PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was the invited speech delivered at the Association of Asian Studies 39th Annual Meeting, Boston Sheraton, April 12, 1987.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's Treasures Revealed via Videodisc Technology," was a joint special presented with Dean Robert D.Stueart to the Corporation Meeting, Simmons College, Boston, October 26, 1986.

  • "PROJECT EMPEROR-I: China's Treasures Revealed via Videodisc Technology," was a special invited session at the LaserActive '86 Conference, Boston, MA October 10, 1986.

  • "Libraries in the Information Age," was an invited talk given at the LaserActive '86 Conference, Boston, October 9, 1986.

  • "Interactive Videodisc Technology and Information Delivery: Experience of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was a special invited presentation jointly with Dr. Robert D. Stueart at the New England Library Association Annual Meeting, Sturbridge, MA, September 29, 1986,

  • "The Art and Politics of Writing Grant Proposal and Techniques for Approaching Funding Sources," was one of key speeches given at Seminar on Fund Raising Strategies for Library Automation sponsored by CLSI in Boston, MA on May 2, 1986.

  • "Bytes to Megabytes-Micros in Library Management: Where We Are Now, Where We Are Going," is the presentation given by Dr. Chen at the NELA/NEEMA (New England Library Association) Annual Meeting at Sturbridge MA, September 30, 1984.

  • "ALA's Role to Its Members," was presented by Dr. Chen as a panel member at the New England Library Association's Annual Meeting on October 30, 1983.

  • "MicroUse Data Base," was presented by Professor Chen and Xiaochu Wang, at the first meeting of the New England Microcomputer Users Group (NEMICRO) at Simmons College, September 24, 1983.

  • "Online Bibliographic Database Searching," was presented to the Micro-Computer Group at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, November 8, 1982.

  • "General Overview on Microcomputers and Their Potential Applications in Libraries," was the invited speech given at the New England Technical Services Librarians at Worcester, MA. on May 19, 1982.

  • "New England Citizens' Use of Libraries and Information Seeking: Final Report," jointly presented by Drs. Chen and Hernon at the 1980 New England Library Association Annual Conference, September 30, 1980.

  • "The Art and Politics of Writing Grant Proposals," and "Administrative Accountability of Grant Awards," were given at the Institute on the Art and Politics of Library Grants at Simmons College on April 26, 1980. Institute directed by Dr. Chen.

  • "Golden Opportunities for Information Professionals in the 1980's," was the Convocation Speech delivered at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor on March 21, 1980 when Dr. Chen was presented the School of Library Science's Distinguished Alumnus Award on March 21, 1980.

  • "Statistical Investigations in Libraries and Information Centers," was a talk given at the Institute on the Use of Statistics in Library Management, School of Library Science, Simmons College, October 12-13, 1979.

  • "Overview on a Regional Investigation of the Citizen's Information Needs in New England," was delivered at the New England Library Association Annual Meeting, Sturbridge, Massachusetts, September 24, 1979.

  • "Little Money Carries a Long Way," was a talk given at the Simmons College Fifth Annual Fall Fund Raiser Conference on September 23, 1978.

  • "Advantages and Disadvantages of Implementing ZBB in Libraries," was presented at the Institute on Zero-Base Budgeting in Library Management held at the School of Library Science, Simmons College, March 31 - April 1, 1978.

  • "Information Delivery in Selected Countries Around the World," was the talk given at the meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Society for Information Science on June 29, 1977, at the Gutman Library, Harvard University, Cambridge MA.

  • "How to Meet One's Information Needs - A Contemporary Approach?" was the topic of a speech delivered to the Boston Chapter of the Phi-Lunda Society on June 5, 1977, Boston, MA.

  • "Quantitative Measurements in Libraries - A Summary," was presented at the Institute on Quantitative Measurement & Dynamic Library Services, Unit II, March 28, 1977, at Simmons College, Boston, MA.

  • "Statistical and Systems Applications in Library Management," was a talk given at the Unit I of the Institute of Quantitative Measurement and Dynamic Library Service on November 20, 1976, at Simmons College., Boston, MA.

  • "Dr. Martin M. Cummings," was the topic of a speech given on November 17, 1976 at the Francis Countway Library of Medicine, Harvard University, in honor of Dr. Cummings, the Director of the National Library of Medicine at the "Leaders in American Medicine," lecture series sponsored by Boston University School of Medicine, Benjamin Waterhouse Medical History Society, Boston Medical Library, Brown University Medical School, and Tufts Medical School Boston, MA.

  • "Continuing Education: Who's Responsibility and Do We Need CLENE?" was an invited paper given at an all-day workshop of the New England Unit of the Catholic Library Association at Emmanuel College on October 30, 1976, on "Beyond Today's Libraries: A Challenge for Tomorrow", Boston, MA.

  • "Continuing Education in Library Science," Alumnae Day, Simmons College, Boston, MA, April 10 1976.

  • "The Use of Biomedical Literature," Joint Session of the Medical Library Association and the American Society for Information Science at the ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, October 30, 1976.

  • "What Does an Information Scientist Worry About?" PL Professional Society, Boston, MA, May 11, 1975.

    New Hampshire

  • "New Hampshire Citizens' Information Seeking Patterns," prepared by Drs. Chen and Peter Hernon, was presented by Professor Hernon at the New Hampshire Library Council's Annual Conference, May 12, 1980 at North Conway, New Hampshire.

  • Specific Budgeting Programs," was presented at the Institute on Library Budgeting sponsored by the New Hampshire Library Association at Bedford, New Hampshire, December 8, 1978.

    Rhode Island

  • "Network Effectiveness in Consumer Information Delivery," was the central theme of the presentation given by Drs. Chen and Peter Hernon at the Rhode Island InfoEx Meeting sponsored by the Island Interrelated Library System on February 24, 1982 at Middletown, R.I.

  • "Rhode Island Citizens' Information Seeking Patterns," was delivered to Rhode Island public librarians at the Rhode Island Department of State Library Services in Providence, Rhode Island on May 30, 1980.

  • "Continuing Education: A Life Long Commitment," was an invited speech delivered at the meeting of the Association of Rhode Island Health Sciences Librarians in Providence, RI, on September 22, 1976.