"Convenio Editorial," el Cuadratín, November 27, 1990. p. 2.
"Seminarios Precongreso," Gramma: Organo Oficial del Comite Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba, September 19, 1990. p. 6.
"Libraries in the year 2000," News Release of the Monmouth County, NJ, February 28, 1990.
Adderton, Donald V., "Computerized libraries make finding data easy," Asbury Park Press - Western Monmouth (NJ), February 27, 1990. pp. D1-D2.
"Future of libraries to be explored," [Monmouth] County Brief, February 27, 1990.
"Library presents life, times of China's first emperor Ch'in Shih," Las Vegas Sun (Wednesday, February 7, 1990), p. 13C.
"Technology topic of public forum," Spring Valley Times (February 7, 1990), p. 33.
"Technology in libraries to be debased at forum," Las Vegas Sun (Sunday, February 4, 1990), p. 25E.
"Technology is subject of library's key issue forum," Las Vegas Sun (Sunday, January 28, 1990), p. 25E.
"Optical Discs: The TreasureBase of Current Information," Union Morning News (Singapore), May 30, 1989, p. 8. (in Chinese).
"China's first emperor subject of multimedia program," Las Vegas Review-Journal April 8, 1989, p. 13B.
"Library Society Sponsoring Show," Las Vegas Sun March 21, 1989.
"Hybrid Optical and Computer Connection: New Development in New Information Technology," Central Daily (International Edition), January 7, 1989. (in Chinese)
"Dr. Ching-chih Liu Made a Giant Step in Information Science: Hybrid Optical and Computer Application Successful," Hong Kong Times, January 6, 1989. (in Chinese)
"Chinese American Information Leader Successfully Utilized Computer and Optical Disc," Chung-Hua Daily, January 6, 1989. (in Chinese)
"Cary lecture to focus on China's first emperor," Lexington Minute-Man (Lexington, MA), November 17, 1988. p.3. Also appeared in November 10, 1988 of the same paper.
"Sophiatec: La culture sur videodisque!" Cote d'Azur (Nice, France), October 24, 1988. p. 2.
Hellen, Tomas, "Multimedia ger nya mojligheter: Tekniken spranger granserna mellan media," Hufvudstadsbladet (Helsinki, Finland), August 31, 1988. p. 15.
Photo shown in Tietoviikko (Finland), Data Weekly representing Computerworld in Finland, September 1988.
Dias, Rosana, "Pesquisadora dos EUA exibe potencial do dis," Informatica (Sao Paulo, Brazil), August 24, 1988. pp. G.4.
"Especialista fala sobre informatica na industria," FIESP/CIESP em noticias (Informativo Semanal) (Sao Paulo, Brazil) No.1.142/Ano XX: 5 (August 22, 1988).
"Professora norte-americana mostra os avancos da optica," Diario de Pernambuco: Economia (Recife, Brazil), August 13, 1988.
"Video use for archaeological data is topic of Schwing talk," State-Time/Baton Rouge, LA, April 12, 1988. p. 9-A.
Jansson, Tomas, "Har finns allt ni behover," Abo Underrattelser April 9, 1988, p. 1. Also "Multi-media som infomedel - Hon ar har med den nya teknologin," Abo Underrattelser April 9, 1988, p. 8.
"But you can call me 'Di'," Dallas Observer January 14, 1988, p. 4.
Zagreb Science Weekly. June 1987.
Vanderknyff, Rick, "A New Technology Captures an Ancient Emperor," Los Angeles Times March 26, 1987 (Orange County Version), Pt. VI (Calendar) pp. l, 7.
Huang, Mei-Fei, "Videodisc Age is Coming!" Min-Seng Pao August 19, 1986; world Daily August 2O, 1986.
Wintle, Adrian, "Terracotta Army Invades Wagga," The Daily Advertiser (Wagga-Wagga, Australia) June 18, 1986, p. 8.
"Videoskivan kan fornya undervisningen," Sydsvenska (Malmo, Sweden) April 17, 1986, p. 4O.
Sjo, Bjorn, "Videon klarar skivan: Tandlakarhogskolan provar ett nytt informationsvidunder," Arbetet/Torsdag (Lund, Sweden) April 17, 1986, p. 1, 21.
Medeatis, John, "Back to the Future: Simmons professor uses new technology to study ancient China," Newton Tab February 11, 1986.
"Glom kortkatalogen!" Sydsvenskan (Malmo, Sweden) September 17, 1985, p. 36.
Raiend, Kersti, "Berattar om kejsargrav) med hjalp av videoskiva ," Goteborgs-Posten (Goteborg, Sweden) September 13, 1985, p. 14.
Altman, Howard, "Storing Chinese treasures on discs ," Newton Graphic 115 (27): 12 (July 3, 1985) .
Altman, Howard, "The Emperor and the Videodisc," The News Tribune (Newton, MA) 62 (81): 6 (June 25, 1985) .
White, Laura, " China's Emperor I: a pocket history - Simmons dean to capture an era on videodisc," The Boston Globe February 17, 1985, pp. B14, B16. (with correction on February 19, 1985, p. 2).