
Invited Speeches & Papers

  • "Understanding Multimedia information Systems; Consequences for Today and Possibilities of the Future," was an invited speech at the Offshore Information Convention in Oslo, Norway,October 14-16, 1992.

  • "Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I: Interactive videodisc to interactive Multimedia - Analog to Digital - Talking From Experience," was a keynote speech presented at a conference entitled "The Digital Image", at the Conference of Pictoral Arts and Information Technology, in Bergen, Norway, October 17, 1991.

  • "Hypermedia Information Delivery and Implications for Education for Library and Information Science," was the invited speech given at the International Federation of Library Institutions (IFLA)/Education and Training Division meeting in Stockholm, Norway, August 22, 1990.

  • "The New Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at the Norwegian Computer for Humanities, Bergen, Norway, August 13, 1990.

  • "New Media, New Missions: Laser Optical Technology and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," keynote speech at the Conference on the Use of Optical Storage Media in Research, Teaching and Mediation, Bergen, Norway, October 14-16, 1987.

  • "Interactive Videodisc Applications in Humanities," was an invited talk given at the National Center for Computers in Humanities, Bergen, Norway, April 11, 1986.