Invited Speeches & Papers
"Understanding Multimedia information Systems; Consequences for Today and Possibilities of the Future," was an invited speech at the Offshore Information Convention in Oslo, Norway,October 14-16, 1992.
"Multimedia Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I: Interactive videodisc to interactive Multimedia - Analog to Digital - Talking From Experience," was a keynote speech presented at a conference entitled "The Digital Image", at the Conference of Pictoral Arts and Information Technology, in Bergen, Norway, October 17, 1991.
"Hypermedia Information Delivery and Implications for Education for Library and Information Science," was the invited speech given at the International Federation of Library Institutions (IFLA)/Education and Training Division meeting in Stockholm, Norway, August 22, 1990.
"The New Developments of PROJECT EMPEROR-I," was an invited speech given at the Norwegian Computer for Humanities, Bergen, Norway, August 13, 1990.
"New Media, New Missions: Laser Optical Technology and PROJECT EMPEROR-I," keynote speech at the Conference on the Use of Optical Storage Media in Research, Teaching and Mediation, Bergen, Norway, October 14-16, 1987.
"Interactive Videodisc Applications in Humanities," was an invited talk given at the National Center for Computers in Humanities, Bergen, Norway, April 11, 1986.