Other Related Research Projects - On-Going |
Specialized research activities in the handling of mixed Chinese-English text (Supported by both Hollowell Fund for Research and Simmons College Fund for Research)
Problems related to mix language text materials (in both English and Chinese) are being addressed. The software donated by the Xanatec Inc., Mishu, has enabled the incorporation of Chinese characters with other word processing text.
The Joint Feasibility Study: Joint Development of Multimedia Systems on the Basis of DOCIM, PROJECT EMPEROR-I and HyperCATLOG (Supported by the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research in Stockholm)
The Library of Congress' American Memory User Evaluation Study: 1991-1992
Because of the relevancy of PROJECT EMPEROR-I to the Library of Congress American Memory program, we have been selected as the only library school to participate in the American Memory beta-test user evaluation program for 1991-1992. We expect to have some very interesting results forthcoming from this project.
Cooperative Research Project with DOCIM of Stockholm and University of Linjöping (Sweden) supported by the Swedish Council on Library Research. 1991-1992.