Other University and College Publicities
Chen, Huijie, "Dr. Ching-chih Chen to speak at spring 1993 Lecture series,"
Heindel News
(PennState Harrisbury) 2 (1): 1, 4 (march 1993).
"Dr. Ching-chih Chen..."
News Release, Ferris State University
, February 5, 1990.
"Emperor-I: Interactive videodisc technology in Chinese Studies,"
Technology Window
(Harvard University 3 (10): 1-2 (June 1989).
"Project Emperor 1,"
Inside Out
(Faculty/Staff/Alumni Publication of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas) March/April 1989. p. 7.
(University of Nevada, las Vegas) 18 (12): 2 (March 29, 1989).
"Videodisc Technology Demonstration,"
(University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 18 (10): 1 (March 15, 1989).
"Bringing the past to life: The latest word on the First Emperor of China," California State University at Chico in-house publication, February 1988.
"SMU to host historic videodisc presentation,"
(Southern Methodist University) (92): 4 (December 14, 1987).
Johnson, Gene C. Jr., "Videos to Feature Chinese Emperor,"
Spartan Daily
(Sao Jose State University) 88 (39): 3 (March 24, 1987).
"Exploring Ancient China,"
(California State University, Sacramento)
44 (24): 4 March 23, 1987.