Simmons Librarian 12: 3-4 (Spring 1980).

  • Chen, Ching-chih, "A regional investigation of citizens' information needs in New England," CRUS News (Newsletter of the Center for Research on User Studies, University of Sheffield) No. 12, pp. 3-4, November 1981.

  • Reports

  • Chen, Ching-chih, Citizen Information Seeking Patterns: A New England Study. Executive Summary Report for the White House Conference on Library and Information Services. November 1979.
  • Chen, Ching-chih. A Regional Investigation of Citizens' Information Needs In New England: A Progress Report (U.S.O.E. Title II-B Grant No. G007900537). February 1980.
  • Chen, Ching-chih. A Regional Investigation of Citizens' Information Needs In New England: A Progress Report No. 2 (U.S.O.E. Title II-B Grant Nos. G007900537). August 1980.
  • Chen, Ching-chih and Peter Hernon. A Regional Investigation of Citizens' Information Needs in New England. (U.S.O.E. Title II-B Grant No' 007900537). (1) Executive Summary Report. January 1981. (2) Project Report. January 1981. (3) Final Report. January 1981.
  • Chen, Ching-chih, Robert D. Stueart, and Peter Hernon (in cooperation with Ronald Heroux). Survey of Information Seeking Patterns and Information Source Utilization of Naval Underwater Systems Center, Code 35 Personnel. Graduate School of Library & Information Science, Simmons College, November 1982. (Restricted)
  • Chen, Ching-chih and Leslie B. Berger. Summary Report on Connecticut Citizens' Information Need Assessment & Library Use Survey. Hartford, CT: Connecticut State Library, June 1984.
  • Chen, Ching-chih & Leslie B. Berger. Assessment of Connecticut Citizens' Information Needs. Hartford CT: Connecticut State Library, October 1985. 29 pp.
  • Chen, Ching-chih and David I. Raitt. Survey on the Use of Optical Information Products in Libraries and Information Centres in Europe. The Hague: FID, 1990. No. FID 683.

  • Proceedings & Other Publications

  • Chen, Ching-chih, "The use of biomedical literature," invited speech given at the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science in Boston, October 31, 1975. Abstracts appear in the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 2 (microfiche).
  • Chen, Ching-chih and Peter Hernon, "Library effectiveness in meeting information consumer's needs," in Library Effectiveness: A State of the Art. Chicago, IL: Library Administration and Management Association of ALA, June, 1980. pp. 50-63.
  • Raitt, David I. and Ching-chih Chen, "Use of CD-ROMs in West German libraries," in the Proceedings of 1989 Essen Symposium on Developments in Microcomputing - Discovering New Opportunities for Libraries in the 1990s, Essen, W. Germany, October 24, 1989. Essen, Germany: University of Essen Library, 1990. pp. 25-36.

  • Contributions to Books

  • Chen, Ching-chih, ''Citizen Information Needs - A Regional Investigation,'' In: Information Needs of the 80's: Libraries and Information Services Role in "Bringing Information to the People'' edited by Robert D. Stueart. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1982.