Bulletin of the China Society of Library Science No.2: 39-45 (1980). Chinese translation of the convocation speech delivered at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on March 21, 1980 when Dr. Chen was presented the School of Library Science's Distinguished Alumnus Award.

  • Chen, Ching-chih, "Recent developments in library and information science in China," Bulletin of The American Society for Information Science 6(4):10-11 (April 1980)
  • Chen, Ching-chih, "Education and training in information science in the People's Republic of China," Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 6(4):16-18 (April 1980).
  • Chen, Ching-chih, ''Golden opportunities in the 80's for information professionals,'' Reprinted in Journal of Library & Information Science 8(1): 1-19 (April 1982).
  • Chen, Ching-chih, ''Information society and challenge for library and information work," Library & Information Work 26 (2) :20-23 (April 1984). In Chinese. Also in Communication in Information Work 19 (4) : 17-21 (April 1984). In Chinese.
  • Chen, Ching-chih, Susan Raskin & Diane R. Tebbetts, ''Products of graduate library and information science schools: Untapped resources?'' Education for Information 2: 163-190 (1984).

  • Reports

  • A Detailed Curriculum for the Regional Training Programme for Health Sciences Librarians in the Health Literature, Library and Information Services Network. SEA/HLT/11. New Delhi: South-East Asia Regional Office, World Health Organization, 1981. (Restricted)
  • Regional Training Programme for the Health Sciences Librarians in the HELLIS Network. SEA/HLT/12. New Delhi: South-East Asia Regional Office, World Health Organization, 1981. (Restricted)

  • Proceedings & Other Publications

  • Chen, Ching-chih, "Difficulties faced by international students in the U.S. Information Science Program," Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 19: 357-358, 1982.
  • Chen Ching-chih, "Research, education and practice: Where is the middle ground?" Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 19: 358, 1982.
  • Chen Ching-chih, ''A crying need for qualified personnel: Who can help the developing countries?'' In Areas of Cooperation in Library Development in Asian and Pacific Regions. Published for the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association and the Chinese American Librarians Association by Ohio University Libraries, Athens, OH, 1985. pp. 40-43.
  • Chen Ching-chih," The new technology and its potential for information professionals and the effects on library and information science education," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Library and Information Science Education sponsored by the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Nov. 29-30, 1985. Edited by James S.C. Hu. Taipei, Taiwan: National Taiwan University, 1986. pp. 7-16.
  • Chen, Ching-chih, "The Challenge to Library and Information Professionals in the Visual Information Age," Proceedings of NIT '90: The Third International Conference on New Information Technology. West Newton: MicroUse Information, November 1990, pp. 75- 90.