Invited Speeches & Papers
"Interactive Videodisc Technology and the Humanities," was a special invited keynote speech presented at the Conference on Information provision for the Humanities and New Technology (Informationsforsorjning for Humaniora Och Ny Teknologi) at the University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden on September 12, 1985.
"Automation of Libraries: Implications of New Technology on the Profession and on Professional Education," was a speech given at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (Hogskolan I Boras) on September 13, 1985 in Boras, Sweden.
"New Technology in Libraries," was an invited speech given at the Lund University, Lund, Sweden on September 16, 1985.
"Videodisc as Medium for Information Storage and Retrieval," was an invited talk at the Conference on Datorer I Humaniora Och Teologi at the University of Lund, Lund, Sweden on April 15, 1986.
"Lessons from the Documentation of an On Site Project," was the special talk given at the Symposium on Interactive Videodisc Development at the University of Lund, Lund, Sweden on April 16, 1986.
"The Subject Contents of the PROJECT EMPEROR-I Videodiscs," invited speech to Asian Studies Department of University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, October 13, 1987.
"Multimedia in Research and Teaching" was an invited keynote speech presented at Multimedia 94, Sundsvall, Sweden, October 18, 1994.