Invited Speeches & Papers
"Libraries in the digital visual information age: Realties and challenges," was a keynote delivered at the Seminar on Libraries, Information and CD-ROM at the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, January 18, 1994.

"Technological Potentials for the Global Library: Realities and Challenges," was an invited speech given at the International Conference on National Libraries Towards the 21st Century in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, April 20-24, 1993 in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the National Central Library of ROC.

"Educating Library and Information Professionals in an Era of Technological Change," was an invited speech delivered at the International Symposium on Library Automation at the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, June 10, 1988.
"Videodisc Technology and Its Potential for Library Development and Cooperation," was the Keynote speech given at the Seminar on Library Development and Cooperation sponsored by the National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan,.August 19, 1986.

"New Technology and Its Implications for Library and Information Science Education," was an invited keynote speech given at the International Conference on Library & Information Science Education, organized by the National Taiwan University on November 30, 1985.

"New Technology and Information Management and Processing," was the topic of several invited speeches given at the Shaanxi Telecommunication Institute in Xian, the Wuhan University in Wuhan, the Hong Kong Library Association Meeting in Hong Kong, and the TamKang University in Taipei in January, 1984.
A series of four lectures were presented at the National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1 - 2, 1983:
- " Trends in Information Management"
- " Trends in Information Technology"
- " The Role of the Library in the Information Age"
- " Educating and Training Information Professionals for the New Information Age" (public speech)
"General Trends in Information Management and Technology," presented at Tung-Hai University, Tai Chung, Taiwan, May 31, 1983.
"Scientific Management Techniques - How and Why They Can Help?" a special invited talk given at the Chung-Shan Institute of Scientific Research, Lun-Tang, Taiwan, Republic of China, January 12, 1977.
During the Consultant trip to Taiwan in December 1973 and January 1974, extensive visits were made to major academic, industrial, and research institutions and libraries. Many seminar discussions were held with the leaders from the industrial sectors of the country. Several invited speeches were also delivered.
"Scientists, Engineers and Information - What an Information Center is and Should Be?" Chung-Shan Scientific Research Institute, Chung-Shan, Taiwan, Republic of China, January 8, 1974.
"Potentials of Computer Applications in Scientific Libraries and Information Centers - What About the SDC?" Scientific Documentation Center, National Science Council, Nankang, Taiwan, Republic of China, January 4, 1974.
"Computer Applications in Library Operations in the U.S. - The State of the Arts," National Taiwan University, Department of Library Science, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, December 20, 1973.
International Training Courses
Seminar on Information Management and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1-2, 1983, co-sponsored by the National Taiwan University, Chinese Library Association, and the Taipei Chapter of the American Society for Information Science Sole. Invited Speaker