The Communicator
September 20, 2007
- Featured Alumna – Taryn Snyder
- Remote Access
- Mandatory Internship Orientation
- IABC Kickoff Meeting
- Featured Internship
Welcome Back!
Hopefully everyone already has a head start on her semester. I know that words are being tapped easily from the keyboards of our writing students and all those students of integrated media and design are artfully managing iMovie and Quark even as I type these sentences. Now that you have acquired your fall momentum, I thought I would fill you in on what we are doing up here in the Communications Department.
We’ve added some new lab monitors to our staff who can assist you with your color prints and give helpful hints for using the applications on our Macs. FYI: They won’t do your homework (and unfortunately those helpful Internet homework sites constitute an honor code violation).
We also have two new faculty members: Phyllis Waldman, who is teaching Writing Across the Media, and Kelley Chunn,, who is teaching Intro to PR/Marcomm..
Our student chapters of PRSSA and the IABC have kicked off once again. You can keep your eye on The Communicator to stay informed on dates and times.
And finally, our dear Professor Berger is no longer at Simmons during the week to edit this newsletter due to his prestigious new job at the Phillips Library in Salem. My apologies in advance for the egregious grammatical mistakes that will inevitably be found in this newsletter.
Lab Hours- Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 9:30pm
- Fri: 9:00am - 4:30pm
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: 12:00pm - 9:30pm
Featured Alumna – Taryn Snyder
What field(s) are you currently working in and what is your title?
“I’m an Assistant Account Manager at Arnold Worldwide which is an international advertising agency.”
What steps did you take toward obtaining your job? And, how long have you been working in this field?“I was fortunate enough to intern here in college and develop valuable relationships across departments prior to graduation. I knew I wanted to take the summer after graduation off, but when August rolled around, I was approached by the HR department because there was an opening on the Fidelity account team. I’ve now been here for a little bit over a year.”
Tell us a little about your work.“I started off doing mostly interactive work (banner ads, websites, broadband advertising, mobile advertising, etc). Recently, I’ve transitioned over to the general side of Fidelity’s advertising. I’m now involved in interactive work as well as print, TV, out of home, and Branch advertising. As a part of the account team, most of my days are consumed by granting client requests and rallying our creative troops to do the best job possible.”
What is the most valuable lesson becoming a professional has taught you?“Accountability. It’s imperative to be accountable for your mistakes. That’s the only way to learn. If you’re able to take responsibility for that, you’ll earn the credit and be accountable when one of your projects goes really well, too.
How has your job challenged you professionally? What was your response?“Every day is a challenge. It’s difficult to tactfully push back on client requests when they’re either unfeasible or unnecessary. No one ever wants to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes it just has to be done.”
What advice do you have for soon-to-be Communications graduates who are looking for employment?“Time management is key. Be able to multitask. Be willing to overextend yourself in the beginning to get as much experience as possible.”
Remote Access
Did you know that you can access the department volumes remotely? The interface is not pretty, but it can be done.
To access the department volumes visit Login with your Simmons username and password and click MCBFS1. The page that comes up will display the links to the department volumes.
Mandatory Internship Orientation
Thinking of doing Communications Internship for credit in the Spring or Summer of 2008? Come to a mandatory orientation to find out what steps to take. You must be a rising junior or have senior standing to take an internship for credit.
Orientation dates:Wed., Oct. 17 from 2-3p.m. in room E207 Thurs., Oct. 18 from 10-11a.m. in room E303.
For more information contact Sarah Burrows:
IABC Kickoff Meeting
The first IABC meeting for the fall semester will be Monday, September 24 from 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m. in E209. Please see the attached flyer.
For more details contact Andy Porter: Or Sarah Burrows:
Featured Internship
The Boston Globe
The largest group of interns works in metro on general assignment. Other intern reporters are assigned to sports, living/arts, and business. They also have intern positions in the photography and graphics departments, and on the copy desk. All students currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or who will be graduating in May or June may apply, as well as journalism graduate school students who have NOT had professional experience as a newspaper reporter.
Application forms can be obtained from: Paula Bouknight, Assistant Managing Editor/Hiring, The Boston Globe, P.O. Box 55819, Boston, MA02205-5819 (617- 929-3120), or downloaded from their website:
Applications for the 2008 program must be postmarked by November 1, 2007. Materials will not be returned. Finalists will be asked to come to the Globe for an interview.
Colby, son of former faculty member Sue Laroque.
| 09.20.07 | Issue # 5.1 |
Call for Submissions
Do you have information that you would like listed in The Communicator? Have you been published? Are you receiving an award? Please submit your information and achievements to the Communicator.
- Email:
The Communicator is a monthly newsletter published by the Simmons College Department of Communications. This publication is edited by Kerrin Dowling.