The Communicator
October 4, 2007
- Communications is Hosting Alumna
- Featured Alumna – Lauren Hendriks
- Graphic and Design Specialist Needed
- Internship – Detroit Free Press
- Moonage Nightmare
Communications is Hosting Alumna
Keep your eyes peeled for more information on our Executive-in-Residence program with Simmons alumna Carmen Baez. Baez is the President of Diversified Agency Services (DAS) Latin America, a division of the Omnicom Group. She will participate in several class visits within the Communications Department as well as a reception/student showcase.
You can find more of Baez’s details on the Wall of Honor. The Wall is a permanent exhibit in the main lobby of the Department of Communications. It honors seven Simmons honorary degree recipients, and the Department’s founder.
The Executive-in-Residence program will be October 23 and 24.
Featured Alumna – Lauren Hendriks
What field(s) are you currently working in and what is your title?
“I am working in higher education as the Program Assistant for Colleges of the Fenway.”
What steps did you take toward obtaining your job? And, how long have you been working in this field?
“This is my first job after I finished my undergrad and so my steps were all the basic ones: send out resumes, networked with people I knew, went on lots of interviews (some for just the experience), and was persistent. I will have been at this job for one year in November.”
Tell us a little about your work.
“Working for Colleges of the Fenway as the program assistant means a lot of things. First, I am the Executive Director’s assistant, which includes responsibilities such as scheduling meetings for COF’s 20+ committees, including presidents, CAOs, CFOs, Human Resources and deans. Other responsibilities include administrative tasks including billing, mailings, customer service, updating contact information, and event planning.
“Another piece to my job is being the assistant for the program itself. I am in charge of maintaining our COF website, designing brochures and promo for students, faculty and staff events, creating the trimester newsletter and events calendar, representing COF at student fairs and admissions open houses, and aiding in the other initiatives of COF such as performing arts, study abroad and intramurals, in any way I can.”
What is the most valuable lesson becoming a professional has taught you?
“To start projects and assignments early. You may work efficiently and know that you are able to get the work done in a timely manor, but the vendors or committee you’re working with may not. It becomes quite the challenge.”
How has your job challenged you professionally? What was your response?
“The biggest challenge for this job is to please everyone. With the six different institutions and their six different personalities and specialties, it’s sometimes hard to find an outcome that will work best for all. I make sure to stay persistent and patient when working with the colleges in hopes to find a resolution.”
What advice do you have for soon-to-be Communications graduates who are
looking for employment?
“Don’t be afraid to go for a job that asks for more experience than you think you can offer. I had very little to none, and the job description asked for 1-2 years of experience. I was able to use my experiences in the class room through my project for Beacon Academy in Studio 5 and my spring semester internship as my work related experience, which seemed to be enough to get hired.”
Lauren Hendriks is a graduate of the class of 2006 and a class of 2008 graduate student in the MCM program.
Graphic and Design Specialist Needed
Job Description:
The Office of Student Life is looking for a self-motivated student with a background and interest in graphic design. The person in this position will also manage the Student Life bulletin boards.
Photoshop experience is a must!
Wage: $8.00 per hour Hours: 5-10 hours per week, as needed How to Apply: Submit work experience and 1-2 samples of graphic design work to
Internship – Detroit Free Press
Free Press interns do professional-level work in a demanding, yet supportive newsroom. They are seeking interns for editing, design, graphics, photography, and writing on the metro desk, in features, business and sports. They pay $541 a week.
Applications should include:
- A resume
- Six work samples (20 for visual journalists)
- Three references for contact
- A letter explaining what you would like to do on your internship
Send to: Joe Grimm Recruiting and development editor Detroit Free Press 615 W. Lafayette Blvd. Detroit, MI 48266
Deadline: December 1, 2007
Moonage Nightmare
A DVD of Bob White’s “Moonage Nightmare” will be part of the silent auction at the 26th Annual Human Rights Campaign New England Dinner. The event will be October 27 at the Westin Waterfront Hotel - 6pm.
Tickets are $225 per person.
| 10.4.07 | Issue #5.2 |
Call for Submissions
Do you have information that you would like listed in The Communicator? Have you been published? Are you receiving an award? Please submit your information and achievements to the Communicator.
- Email:
The Communicator is a biweekly newsletter published by the Simmons College Department of Communications. This publication is edited by Deirdre Yee.