
Good Food Website

Your Good Food Website should be well underway and by now you should have a logo and navbar in mind, if not actually mocked up in Photoshop. As the end of the semester approaches, it behooves you to get this project completed so that you can devote yourself to your own website and final project. The official due date for your own rendition of the Good Food Website will be December 3. By this date you should have a final Good Food Website, with logo and consistent Nav Bar, with a home page, about page, recipes page, cookware page, resources and tips page. Getting this project under your belt will help you polish your skills for your own website.

Final Project

The Wireframe and Mood Board for your final project are due next class. Below are links to the Finals page which describes each item. Come to class ready to present these as if I were your client. Be prepared to defend your decisions. Do sufficient research on the best tools to accomplish this.


Your wireframes should be complete sketches of each section of your website. For each page that looks different, you should have a completed wireframe. Your final wireframes should be neatly rendered on a computer. You can (and probably should) start by sketching on paper. If you have paper sketches, please scan them in and upload them to your website. You only need one mood board which will give an idea of the look and feel of the entire website.

Save both items as pdf files and email them to me. I should receive the email before the start of class on 11/14. In addition to the email, please upload both files to your web space and create links to them on your class website.

Blog Assignment

No blog assignment for this week.