Block and Inline Elements

There are two basic types of HTML elements:

Block Level Elements

Block level elements take up space by default. They will stack down the page.

A paragraph is a block level element. Each new paragraph tag will stack vertically. Block level tags take up as much horizontal space as possible and push the next block level element down.

Examples of block level elements:

Inline Elements

Inline elements display in a line. They do not force the text after them to a new line.

An anchor (or link) is an example of an inline element. You can put several links in a row, and they will display in a line.

Examples of inline elements:

Why is this important?

When we get to CSS layouts, this will become very important. For now, remember this: For example, a link cannot be wrapped around a header:
<a href=""><h1>This is invalid HTML</h1></a>	← Incorrect
The correct way to do this would be to put the inline element inside the block element:
<h1><a href="">This is invalid HTML</a></h1>	← Correct