Noise Day

By Shel Silverstein

Let’s have one day for girls and boyses

When you can make the grandest noises.

Screech, scream, holler, and yell,

Buzz a buzzer, clang a bell,

Sneeze, hiccup, whistle, shout,

Laugh until your lungs wear out,

Toot a whistle, kick, a can,

Bang a spoon against a pan,

Sing, yodel, bellow, hum,

Blow a horn, beat a drum,

Rattle a window, slam a door,

Scrape a rake across the floor,

Use a drill, drive a nail,

Turn the hose on the garbage pail,

Shout; Yahoo, Hurrah, Hooray,

Turn up the music all the way,

Try and bounce your bowling ball,

Ride a skateboard up the wall,

Chomp your food with a smack and a slurp,

Chew,chomp, hiccup, burp,

One day a year do all of these,

The rest of the days—be quiet please.