LIS 415: Information Organization


Guidelines for Participation and Attendance



Attendance (5%)
Students are expected to attend class every week, remain for the entire session, and actively engage in class activities. Missing class will negatively impact your attendance grade. However, attending every class guarantees 100% of your attendance grade.


Participation (10%)
To earn your participation grade, students are expected to:

  1. Complete Assignments
    • Submit all assignments on time.
  2. Prepare for Class
    • Watch lecture videos before the class.
    • Take notes and prepare questions based on video lectures.
  3. Engage in Activities
    • Participate actively in class exercises and discussions.
    • Contribute meaningfully to discussion forums on Moodle.
  4. Moodle Mini-Quizzes
    • Complete ungraded mini-quizzes on Moodle.
  5. Be Ready for Class
    • Bring necessary materials, including slides, handouts, and exercises.

Alternative Participation on Moodle
For students who may feel uncomfortable speaking in class, Moodle discussion forums offer an alternative platform to contribute. To compensate, such students are encouraged to participate more actively on discussion boards, for example, by posting 2–3 times per unit instead of the standard one post.

Impact on Grades
Attendance and participation play a significant role in determining your final grade. Active involvement throughout the semester can boost your grade, while consistent silence, disinterest, or disengagement will result in a lower participation grade. Being present, prepared, and engaged is key to success in this class.

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