LIS 416: Descriptive Cataloging


Students will be able to:

  • Describe the general structure of RDA
  • Recognize fundamental features of RDA, such as core elements, alternatives, options, exceptions, and the like
  • Apply RDA Chapters 2-4 to resources
  • Apply RDA Chapter 7 to record selected elements related to content
  • Apply the provisions of LC-PCC Policy Statements
  • Understand the difference between transcription, recording, and supplying data

Required Readings

Week 3: 2A. RDA Basics: General Guidelines and Manifestations

LC, Tutorial for RDA Toolkit (old, but still useful)

ICC11, Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 (p. 179-245)

RDA, Chapters 0-2 and Appendices A-C (and corresponding LC-PCC PSs)

Week 4: 2.B. Manifestations Lab session

Finish up reading and review last week's material!

Week 5: 2.C. Carriers and Content

ICC11, Chapters 5 (246-273) & 6 (318-329)

RDA, Chapters 3-4 (and corresponding LC-PCC PSs)

Week 6: 2.D. Final Description Lab session


Week 7: 2.E. Official RDA and Toolkit

Oliver, Introducing RDA: A Guide to the Basics after 3R

IFLA, Library Reference Model

Official RDA Toolkit - Explore

Other Readings That Might Be of Interest


Maxwell, Handbook for RDA, Chapters 1-2 & 8 as needed


To do for:

Week 3:

  • Read the LC tutorial to learn how to use the RDA Toolkit
  • Explore the RDA Toolkit
  • Read the textbook and RDA sections before Week 3

Weeks 4-6:

  • Read the ICC11 chapters and RDA instructions before the corresponding class
  • Watch the online videos before the corresponding class
  • Be prepared for class discussion and exercises
  • Work on exercises as assigned in class
  • Get to know the cataloging rules

Become familiar with the following tools and resources:

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