[bibliographic instruction]
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I developed this site in Information Services and the World Wide Web while pursuing a Master's Degree at Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science. I decided to create a site on bibliographic instruction because I am involved in creating and leading workshops as part of my job in the Simmons College Career Resource Library.

The selection criteria for links in this page include the currentness of the site, its perceived stability, its authoratativeness, and the richness of its content.

I intended for this site to aid other librarians who are in the process of developing or conducting Bibliographic Instruction Sessions to find materials, guides, information and ideas, and to be a resource for students who are studying bibliographic instruction as part of a library program. As such, your comments and feedback will assist me to keep this website up to date. I encourage you to send me your comments, and to suggest any websites or resources that you think should be added to this page.

Full Name:
Are you a
Do you ever conduct bibliographic instruction sessions? Yes No
If so, what kind?

Did you find this site helpful? Very Somewhat No
If not, why?

Would you like to suggest a site to add to Bibliographic Instruction?

Other comments, suggestions or input?

If you are unable to use this form, please email your comments to lidano@simmons.edu

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[glasses] Laura Lidano lidano@simmons.edu.
Last revised March 22, 2000.
This page is http://www.simmons.edu/~lidano/project/comment2.html