This page shows you various fonts

Default Font as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather than its style.

Times New Roman as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather than its style. Because the name of font-family Times New Roman has more than one word it must be enclosed in quotes.

Georgia as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather than its style.

Verdana as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather than its style.

Trebuchet as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather
than its style.

Arial as a Heading

In choosing a type face for a paragraph you want one which is easy to read and calls attention to its content rather than its style.