Syllabus for Math 343 – Mathematical Modeling Spring 2003

Margaret Menzin         Office:S3209                                                                     Phone: X2704
                                         Email:           Home Phone: 781-862-5107

                                         Office Hours: MWF 7:30-8:00; and
                                                                   W 11:00-3:30
                                                                   F:11:00-11;30; 12:30-2:30
                                          Note: I normally eat lunch at 12:00 or 12:30, but can move that to meet you in the
                                                     middle of the day. I am also usually available after 4:30 on Mondays and
                                                     sometimes later on Fridays.
                                                     The Mathematics and Computer Science Department eats at Bartol on Fridays
                                                      at 11:30. We hope you will join us.

Text: A Course in Mathematical Modeling by Mooney and Swift (text)

Maple manual - I believe it is Maple V by Example by Abell and Braselton (manual) The Mathematical Modeling course is different from other math courses you have taken. In most math courses you start with a subject (e.g. Calculus), learn the material in the course, and then, look at applications of the material. In the modeling course we take the opposite point of view: we start with a problem, set up a description of that problem (i.e. a mathematical model) and then use whatever mathematics we know to "solve" the model (i.e. see what the model predicts, and if those predictions match reality), modify the model if necessary, examine the reasonableness of any simplifying assumptions we may have made, and then describe what we have learned from the model.

This shift in focus has several important implications: first (and most important) everything is "fair game" - you should expect to use calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, probability and statistics, spreadsheets, Maple, simulations, and anything else you know. Second, we will be using some real data, both to build our models and to evaluate them. Third, there will be a lot of writing and team projects. Finally, if we hit up against some mathematics that you don't know, then we'll learn it. Our aim is to solve these problems, and we will use all available tools.

Naturally, there are different kinds of models, some useful for some kinds of problems, and some for others. For example,

We will look at problems of all these types, choosing our modeling methods from what is appropriate to these problems. In all the cases, however, our approach will be the same: This course works as a seminar. It is critical that you be present and prepared for every class.


Grading: There will be multiple team and individual projects assigned during the semester (approximately one every two weeks). Each project counts equally towards your grade. There are no exams.

Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be provided for students with documented physical, sensory, systemic, cognitive, learning, and psychiatric disabilities. If you have a disability and anticipate that you will need a reasonable accommodation in this class, it is important that you contact the Academic Support Center Director at 617-521-2471 early in the semester. Students with disabilities receiving accommodations are also encouraged to contact their instructors within the first 2 sessions of the semester to discuss their individual needs for accommodations."

Unit 0: Introduction
Read the article on "100 Million Women Missing". How did Sen arrive at that conclusion?
Read Chapter 0 of the text
Read the Introduction to Wells and Resnikoff Mathematics in Civilization (on reserve in the Library.)

Review the following theorems/topics from calculus for the second class:

Also, If you are not able to use the spreadsheet Excel at a basic level NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN IT.
(I don't care about linking and embedding at this point - I do care about entering formulas; printing and saving
spreadsheets; Also pressing "~" at the upper left of the keyboard with switch you back and forth between
showing values and showing formulas.)

For week 2 please review from linear algebra and statistics/discrete math.