Young Adult Literature without Apology

Amy's assessment of contemporary young adult literature, organized by author and title, censored by noone.


Realistic | Romance | Science Fiction | Historical Fiction | Fantasy | Horror | Mystery

Ehrenhaft, Daniel (2004). 10 Things to do Before I Die. NY: Delacorte. 224 pages. ISBN: 0385730071.

Oh, that familiar literary trope: You make a hypothetical list of things you want to accomplish sometime before you shuffle off this mortal coil only to discover that you have 24 hours to live! Ted Burger finds himself in this uncommon predicament and valiantly attempts to check items off his list (goals include losing his virginity and playing guitar with his favorite band) before his time runs out.
The premise of the novel is an obvious hook, though even I was surprised when Ehrenhaft didn't deliver death on the last pages. A witty narrative that escapes cynacism, this is a fast and fun read. Fans of Fat Kid Rules the World might like this one, too.