Blog Post 1: Some things I have learned from Week 1

I have never tried web design nor have a taken a coding class (though I am in one right now), so all of the information I've learned this week is new! I have learned what HTML and CSS stand for: HyperText Markup Language and Cascading Style Sheet. I also created my first webpage using HTML which was very rewarding!

From the reading, I learned the difference between the internet and the web. The internet being an international network of connected computers, and the web being one of the was that information can be shared with the internet.

In the "Marking Up" section of the texbook, I learned about a variety of different mark-ups and what they do when used in HTML. Some of them I am using now such as paragraphs and headings while others such as lists, thematic breaks, long quotations, and many more, I have yet to use.

One question that I have is why isn't HTML considered coding? Coming into this class, I though that HTML was a coding language, but the textbook said that it is just a mark-up language. I would like to read more about this to better understand it.