Blog 4: Reflecting on the Recipe Book Project

What were you trying to accomplish in this project? Or, in other words, what were the goals of the project?

For the recipe book project, my goals were to gain an understadning of html and css and create something that I was happy with stylistically and conceptually. I wanted to use a vaierty of html tags and css properties and have a basic knowledge of how the web works when I am the one creating the site.

Overall, do you feel like you achieved the goal and/or accomplished the aim of the project? Why?

I do feel like I have achieved my goals for this project. Coming into this class, I had no prior knowledge of web design, html, or coding in general. I feel that I have learned a huge amount and am proud of how my project came out. All the links, pictures, and css elements have worked and I'm happy with the style of the site.

What is one thing that went right during the project that you can repeat in the future?

My process and time management went well. I gave myself enough time to fully understand each concept and work throgh each week adding different elements to my site. It was fun to see how the site progressed each week as I learned more skills.

What is one thing that went wrong during the project that you should avoid in the future?

One thing that I did not understand at first was how cyber duck was used and that we needed to upload all of our content in order for the site to be public. This caused confusion at first, but once I understood, went smoothly.

What is one thing you wish you could do over?

If I had thought about it earlier or had more time, I wish I could have made the content of my site more unique. I mostly focused on design anf feel, but I wish I could have tweaked some of the language in each recipe to make the site more my own conceptually.

What is one thing you will do differently when you approach your next project?

Going into the next project, I am going to try to focus on the elements of html. I wan't my site to be as accessible as possible and I hope that I can utilize and understand html components to do so. I also want to focus on Universal and Accessible Design while creating my next site and look forword to learning more about both of these topics.