Blog 6: Competitor Analysis

Though these two sites both achieve their goal of highlighing artists and art happenings, they have very different approaches. BOOOOOOOM seems to be appealing to a younger audience, everything is crisp and contemporary, featuring exhibitions and spotlighting artists. Arts Boston has more information and design qualities that catered toward working artists and non-profit professionals in the arts sector. They seem to have more resources for Boston artists and articles highlighting community events. While Arts Boston focuses on community building in a specific region, BOOOOOOOM has a wider audience, featuring artists from a wide variety of areas.

The sites are similar in some of their content. Both sites feature working artists and art happenings. They both use simple white backgrounds as a way to highlight the images of work and events that take up a lot a visual space.

Their styles make sense based on their audiences and content. BOOOOOOOM works to create a fun experience for its users, who are probably people interested in artwork and where they can go to learn more about individuals and see their work to have a fun time. Arts Boston is community based, their content is deliberate, ethical, and helpful for working creative professionals.

I think that both of these sites are successful in their message and design. BOOOOOOOM appeals to convestions, the site is pretty and easy navigate. Arts Boston is more less worries about appealing to conventions and more focused on their message and content. I can appreciate both of these approaches for what they are and enjoy both of the sites in different ways. In terms of functionality, they both do a great job. Their navigation menus are clearly laid out and available and every page. Their text is legible and their links are clear.

Both of these websites are giving me inspiration for how I wan't to construct my final website. I beleive that I am leaning more towards BOOOOOOM for creative inspiration and aesthetic appeal, but I like the content and message of Arts Boston.