Fall 2011 Announcements

Mix It Up!

Posted Dec 11, 2011

Mix It Up! Celebrate with the Communications Department

Celebrate the Communications Department: Winner of the 2011 National Communications Association's Rex Mix Program of Excellence Award.

2–5 pm Tuesday, Dec 13 in Third Floor Lefavour Hall.

You can read more about the story from the 300 The Fenway Blog.

CommLab End of Semester Hours

Posted Dec 11, 2011

The CommLab will be open normal hours through Monday, December 19th. The last day the labs will be open for color printing is Monday, December 19th.

The CommLab Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Posted Nov 21, 2011

The CommLab will be closed for Thanksgiving from Wednesday, November 23 to Saturday, November 26. The labs will will be open normal hours on Sunday, November 27.

Lab Monitors Now On Staff

Posted October 13, 2011

The Lab Monitors are now working in the labs to assist you with general trouble shooting and color printing.

On the Schedules page, you can download a PDF of the Lab Monitor schedule and also PDFs for the class schedules of LEF320 and LEF325.

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