Spring 2011 Announcements
The Show! [COMMWORKS] — May 9, 2011 4–8 PM
Posted April 5, 2011
Please join the Communications Department students, faculty, and staff in showcasing our finest work from this year.
May 9, 2011 4–8 PM.
Flier design by Hannah Hoar de Galvan
Comm-328: Finding LOVE & FRIENDSHIP Using Statistics
Posted April 5, 2011
This is an introductory research methods course designed to expose students to quantitative and qualitative research in communication. The course emphasis is not statistics, but study design and methods.
Topics include research design, problem formulation, sampling, some basic analytical techniques, observational techniques, and data interpretation all applicable to the study of communication and audience analysis.
Why Every Student Should Take This Course:
- Employers hire candidates that have basic understanding of research.
- This course will remove much of the mystery associated with research methods.
- This course will not delve deeply into statistics.
- Research methods will help you effectively target your audience in PR, Marketing, Graphic Design, Journalism, Integrated Media, etc.
Sign up for Comm-328: Research Methods. The course will be offered in Fall 2011 and taught by Professor Ed Vieira.
Contact edward.vieira@simmons.edu with any questions.
Registration starts April 11.
Spring Break Lab Hours
Posted February 28, 2011
Get Rid of Pesky Keychain Warning
Posted February 16, 2011
Do you get a warning about not being able to unlock your keychain every time you log in?
Make the keychain message go away for good
To make the keychain message permanently go away, click Create New Keychain.
After clicking Create New Keychain, the message should no longer appear each time you log in.
Welcome Back
Posted January 24, 2011
Hey there, hope everybody had a great winter break. During the break we upgraded a few things in the CommLabs. First and foremost, the department server (which does all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes) was upgraded to a shiny new XServe. Hopefully this will help things in the lab run more smoothly this semester.
On the software side of things, we've upgrade the Microsoft Office Suite to the new 2011 edition. You'll notice that everything looks a bit brighter, but it still should work just the same. We've also upgraded to iWork '11 and given LightWave a small bump. Lastly, on the video side of things, we now have both HandBrake and VLC on all the computers.
Enjoy the new updates and as always, if you have any problems (involving the CommLab we can't get you out of a parking ticket or library fine) email Alissa and MJ at commlab@simmons.edu.