Fall 2010 Announcements

Thanksgiving Hours

Posted November 9, 2010

The CommLab will be closed from Wednesday, November 24th to Saturday, November 27th. It will reopen with normal hours on Sunday, November 28th.

October Communicator Now Available

Posted October 7, 2010

The September 2010 issue of The Communicator is now available in pdf format!
The cover of the October 2010 issue of The Communicator

Get Rid of Pesky Keychain Warning

Posted September 14, 2010

Do you get a warning about not being able to unlock your keychain every time you log in?
A screenshot of the keychain error message at login

Make the keychain message go away for good

To make the keychain message permanently go away, click Create New Keychain.
A screenshot of the keychain error message at login with 'create new keychain' highlighted

After clicking Create New Keychain, the message should no longer appear each time you log in.

September Communicator Now Available

Posted September 13, 2010

The September 2010 issue of The Communicator is now available in pdf format!
The cover of the September 2010 issue of The Communicator

Welcome Back

Posted September 2, 2010

Hey there, hope everybody had a great semester. During the summer we upgraded the Mac OS to Snow Leopard, and we will also be using Adobe CS 5. There are some excellent features in both, so explore and have fun. As always if you have any problems (involving the CommLab we can't get you out of a parking ticket or library fine) email Alissa and MJ at commlab@simmons.edu.

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