Skrollr Examples

Creating shapes with HTML and CSS

We can easily create simple shapes with HTML and CSS. An empty div (or any other block-level element) can be turned into a rectangle or square by setting the width and height in CSS. We can also change the background color.


Here is a simple 50x50 pixel black box.


<div class="box"></div>

The CSS simply makes the box 50x50 pixels and black.

.box {
   background: black;
   width: 50px;
   height: 50px;


We can make a circle by using the same technique, but rounding the corners in CSS.


<div class="circle"></div>
.circle {
   background: black;
   width: 50px;
   height: 50px;
   border-radius: 50%;


Triangle can even be created with crafty use of the border properties. Each border side has an angled edge.

We can demonstrate this by creating a box with a width and height of 0, but a thick border on each side. Setting a different color for each border side lets us see the edges.

.box {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  border-top: 100px solid red;
  border-right: 100px solid green;
  border-bottom: 100px solid yellow;
  border-left: 100px solid blue;

To make a triangle, we set the desired color and size on the border we want. We then set the two adjacent borders to a transparent color.

To make a left-pointing triangle, we could use this code:

.box {
  width: 0;
  height: 0;
  border-top: 100px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 100px solid transparent;
  border-left: 100px solid blue;

The triangle size and shapes can be further adjusted by manipulating the border widths.

We'll animate these shapes in our examples.

Example 1: Moving objects

We want the box to start at the left edge of the page and end just past the right edge of the page.

We can use CSS positioning properties (top, bottom, left, right) to move elements around the page (see aside for review).

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in vertical pixels scrolled)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box left 0% 100%

Set the data attributes

To set up the animation, I have to add my data attributes to the element. The numbers indicate the keyframes.

<div class="box" data-0="" data-1000=""></div>

The number value could be as high or low as we wanted.

For the data attribute values, we add the CSS property and value that we want to animate. The CSS property must have a starting keyframe and an ending keyframe in order to be animated.

<div class="box" data-0="left:0%;" data-1000="left:100%;"></div>

Note that we must use the percent symbol even when specifying 0.

Example 1b: Move the box to the right and up

If we wanted the box to start at the middle of the page and also move slowly upward, we could add the top property.

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in vertical pixels scrolled)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box left 0% 100%
top 50% 25%


<div class="box" data-0="left:0%; top:50%;" data-1000="left:100% top:25%;"></div>

Example 2: Scaling Objects

We can scale objects by using the CSS transform property. The transform property can do all kinds of neat things. The scale value will allow us to make objects bigger or smaller. Here are the possible values:

Value Description
scale(x,y) Defines a 2D scale transformation, changing the element's width and height
scaleX(n) Defines a 2D scale transformation, changing the element's width
scaleY(n) Defines a 2D scale transformation, changing the element's height

The numerical values represents the scaling factor.

Example 2a: Make a box bigger

Here we're making a box 400% larger than it's original size.

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in vertical pixels scrolled)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box transform scale(1) scale(4)


<div class="box" data-0="transform:scale(1.0);" data-1000="transform:scale(4);"></div>

Making the box small again by adding a third keyframe

We can add another keyframe to make the box smaller again. I've broken the div into several lines to make it easier to ready the data attributes. Remember that the browser doesn't care about spacing in HTML.

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in vertical pixels scrolled)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box transform scale(1) scale(4) scale(1)
<div class="box" 

Notice how the box gets smaller more quickly because of where we've placed the keyframe in the scrolling.

Example 3: Fading Objects in and out

Using the opacity property, we can make objects fade in or out. The opacity can be set between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).

We'll start with a fully transparent box and then fade it in as we scroll.

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in number of pixels scrolled down the page)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box opacity 0 1


<div class="box" data-0="opacity: 0;" data-1000="opacity: 1;"></div>

Creating Scene Changes

Using the opacity property, we can make a background fade in or out. This is useful as a scene change. Here we'll fade the background to black.

We can create the scene with a div (or your choice of section or article). In order to make the background fit to the whole page, we have set the width and height of the background to 100%.

<div class="scene"></div>

The CSS makes the background fill the page and changes the color to black. Make sure that the margin on the body is also set to 0 so that the scene stretches all the way to the edge.

body {
   margin: 0;
.scene {
   background: black;
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;

Here we will fade a box out and then change scenes afterward.

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in number of pixels scrolled down the page)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
box opacity 1 0
scene opacity 0 1


<div class="box" data-0="opacity: 1;" data-400="opacity: 0;"></div>
<div class="scene" data-500="opacity: 0;" data-1000="opacity: 1;"></div>

Multiple Scene Changes

We can have multiple scene changes by using different divs, sections, articles, etc. We can set the properties of each scene by using ids.

.scene {
   width: 100%;
   height: 100%;
#scene1 {
   background: red;
#scene2 {
   background: blue;
#scene3 {
   background: green;

Visual representation of our animation timeline

Timeline (represented in number of pixels scrolled down the page)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500
scene 1 opacity 0 1
scene 2 opacity 0 1
scene 3 opacity 0 1


<div id="scene1" class="scene" data-500="opacity: 0;" data-2500="opacity: 1;"></div>
<div id="scene2" class="scene" data-3000="opacity: 0;" data-5000="opacity: 1;"></div>
<div id="scene3" class="scene" data-5500="opacity: 0;" data-7500="opacity: 1;"></div>

Multiple Transforms

With the transform property, you can scale, skew and rotate.

To combine these effects, you must use one transform property, with multiple values separated by a space.


<div class="box" 
   data-0000="transform: scale(1.0) skew(20deg)"
   data-1000="transform: scale(4)   skew(60deg)"
   data-1500="transform: scale(1)   skew(1deg)"

Make sure to always specify the transform effects in the same order:

Animations between CSS transforms only work when they use the same functions in same order. From rotate(0deg) scale(1) to rotate(1000deg) scale(5) is fine.

Color Animations

Colors can be animated by using either hsl or rgb. Using color keyworks or hex values are not supported.


<div class="box one" 
   data-0000="background: hsl(0, 50%, 50%)"
   data-2500="background: hsl(360, 50%, 50%)"

<div class="box two" 
   data-0000="background: rgb(0, 0, 255)"
   data-2500="background: rgb(0, 255, 0)"

Note: You cannot animate between rgb and hsl values. Because of the way HSL works, it will typically yield better results than using RGB.


To see an example of an animated story, see Down the Rabbit Hole.


Units of measurement

You don't generally know how many pixels a screen will be. Because of this, tend towards using percentages for moving objects rather than other units if possible.

Your animation will work best at a specific size. That's fine for this project. Pick a size and work with that.

All numeric values have to have the same unit, even 0 needs a unit. It's not possible to animate from 5% to 100px. skrollr won't complain, but results are undefined.


Always specify a unit of measurement, even for 0 (this is specific to Skrollr)

Don't mix units of measurement

Use CSS values consistently

Don't mix and match CSS shorthand values. Instead consistently use one type.

Animations between values which are composed of multiple numeric values like margin:0 0 0 0; are only possible for the same number of values. margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; to margin:0px 100px 50px 3px; is fine, but not margin:10px; to margin:5px 10px;.


Skrollr isn't actually very good at tweening

(From the Skrollr documentation):

Imagine the following animation

  data-100="left: 0%;"
  data-200="top:  0%;"
  data-300="left: 50%;"
  data-400="top:  50%;"

One could expect left to have a value of 25% at keyframe 200. That is not the case. By design, skrollr only interpolates values between key frames which are direct neighbors. What actually happens is that skrollr internally fills out all holes once from left and then from right. So the above is equivalent to

  data-100="left:  0%; top:  0%;"
  data-200="left:  0%; top:  0%;"
  data-300="left: 50%; top:  0%;"
  data-400="left: 50%; top: 50%;"

Because of this, make sure to explicitly add all values for each keyframe:

  data-100="left:  0%; top:  0%;"
  data-200="left: 25%; top:  0%;"
  data-300="left: 50%; top: 25%;"
  data-400="left: 50%; top: 50%;"

Other notes: