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Janet Swan Hill. New York:
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C69 1990
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revision, 1969. Distributed by
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D73 1994
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Access. Lanham, Md.:
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G85 1994
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NISO Press, 1994. (ANSI/NISO
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G84 2000
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York: MLA, 2000. Z1001
.H33 1991
NOTE: The only edition
available at the library is the
1991 revised edition.
Harpring, Patricia. Introduction
to Controlled Vocabularies:
Terminology for Art,
Architecture, and Other Cultural
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Fountain. Unlocking the
Mysteries of Cataloging: A
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Association, Subject Analysis
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H43 1992
Hjorland, Birger. Information
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Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1997. Z695 .H694 1997
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H86 2009
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.I947 1995
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.W94 2015
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Morgan. Magic Search: Getting
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A46 2001
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.R45 2001
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Satija, M.P., and Alex Kyrios. A Handbook of History, Theory and Practice of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. London: Facet Publishing, 2023. Z696.D7 S265 2023eb
Satija, M.P., and Elizabeth
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Sauperl, Alenka. Subject
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Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2002. Z695
.S247 2002
Saye, Jerry D., with April J.
Bohannan. Manheimer's
Cataloging and Classification.
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York: Marcel Dekker, 1999. Z693
.M33 1999
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Subject Control in Online
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ed. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
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of Cataloging &
Classification Quarterly.) Z699.35.S92 S83 1989
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and Practices in the 90's:
Proceedings of the IFLA
Satellite Meeting Held in
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& Classification Quarterly 61, nos. 5 /6 (2023): 491-505.
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Libraries Unlimited, Littleton,
Colo. Z698 .C95 1969