LIS 417: Subject Cataloging and Classification

Module 1: Subject Access and Aboutness
  • Introduction to course
  • Introduction to subject cataloging
  • Subject cataloging standards and tools
  • Aboutness
    • theories and approaches
    • practical considerations
    • models

Required Readings and Online Lectures

For Week 1:

Holley and Joudrey, "Aboutness and Conceptual Analysis: A Review"

Joudrey, Introduction to Cat and Class, Chapters 1-2 & 11

For Week 2:

Langridge, Subject Analysis (in Moodle)

Wilson, Two Kinds of Power, Chapter 5, "Subjects and the Sense of Position"

Recommended Readings

Joudrey, Building Puzzles and Growing Pearls, Chapters 2 & 8

Olson/Boll, Subject Analysis in Online Catalogs, Chapters 1-4


  • Read!!
  • Be prepared to discuss the aboutness of The Obamas resource in Week 2.
  • Please examine the aboutness items that we are working with throughout the semester after Week 2.
  • Be prepared to discuss these items ad nauseam to determine what the items are about. This will be time-intensive. I expect full participation and interaction. Be prepared to truly examine and deconstruct the aboutness statements. Probe, prompt, and press the discussion.

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