Lyron: The Complete Guide

This page features brief biographies of the major non-player characters (NPCs) of the campaign.

To view a full catalogue of major and minor NPCs appearing in an arc, click on the link in the section header.

Thyram; or, The Components of a Conspiracy


✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #1

✨ Characteristics: Human. Robust build, with pale skin and dark hair. Wears robes and carries staff. Doesn’t enjoy standing on ceremony.

✨ Involvement: Bodyguard to Olive Buraria, after coming into her service under “unusual circumstances,” and agent of the Lithite Consortium. Willow’s ex. Detained party at Filbert’s Fine Phial with Olive. Tasks party with investigating attempt on Olive’s life. Temporarily faked death to avoid being killed by Olive’s kidnappers; led party in rescuing Olive from Flynn.

Olive Buraria

✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #1

✨ Characteristics: Human in late twenties (but looks older due to stress). Short, with tan skin and dark hair. Wears fine, but understated russet clothes.

✨ Involvement: Argum’s younger sister. Oversees the Buraria family’s various business ventures. Formerly engaged to Flynn. Detained party at Filbert’s Fine Phial with Iris; later offered them mercenary work as mutual protection. Nearly killed by an assassin disguised as Argum; later kidnapped by Quern and Taglio agents on Flynn’s behalf, but rescued by the party and Iris before Flynn could implant a component in her.

Captain Argum Buraria / Maximilian

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #3

✨ Characteristics: Human. Broad-shouldered, with tan skin; long, salt-soaked black hair; and a weatherbeaten, but handsome face. Scar between his collarbones marking where enchanted component was removed. Wears a long coat with a low-cut shirt and a bandolier that carries a brace of pistols and a saber.

✨ Involvement: Olive’s older brother. Hyrn’s partner. Captain of the Vagabond, as “Maximilian.” Driven out of Thyram ten years ago after Flynn implanted a component in him to stop Argum interfering in Olive’s engagement to Flynn. Returned to Thyram on the eve of Flynn’s coup attempt and Olive’s kidnapping after a hail-Mary message from Iris.


✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #4

✨ Characteristics: Tall and agile, with a dancer’s poise. Very well-dressed, always wearing an ostentatiously feathered hat and a mechanical crossbow on wrist. Unfailingly polite.

✨ Involvement: Flynn’s “bloodhound.” Bought eleven magically-treated components from Bladewind Tinkering over the past ten years; paid extra to ensure anonymity. Hired Stalk to tail the party; in charge of the mission to kidnap Olive. Escaped Flynn’s yacht during the party’s rescue; current whereabouts unknown.

Flynn Ariat

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #5

✨ Characteristics: Human. Tall, with blonde hair. Handsome, in a sinister Ken doll way. Vindictive.

✨ Involvement: Head of the Ariat family. Formerly Olive’s fiancee, before their engagement ended mysteriously, and poorly. Masterminded a plot to take control of Thyram’s council, with support from Owyn Greysky; as part of that plot, he charged Carric with buying magically-treated components from Braken, which were then implanted in his allies and enemies to control them. Kidnapped Olive, but was stopped from implanting a component in her by Iris and the party, and knocked out by Elska; later stripped of his council seat and imprisoned.

Owyn Greysky

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #8

✨ Characteristics: “A bad dude,” in Vasira’s words.

✨ Involvement: Council member; both Isabella and Vasira used to work for him as “reputation managers.” Instigated the Velvet War after murdering a sailor bringing news of Pommes being saved by the Triumvirate; supporter of Flynn’s coup in Thyram. Sent Maggard to kill Isabella, and later Vasira, for uncovering his war crimes.

Kanatrium; or, Myth Unearthed

Willow Elmstaff

✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #11

✨ Characteristics: Halfling in her thirties. Tied-back black hair. Wears green toga-like robe and brown leather gloves, with no jewelry or other adornment. Wields elm staff. Observant and practical.

✨ Involvement: Proprietor of Elmstaff’s Extraordinary Emporium and broker with the Lithite Consortium. Ghesh’s friend; Iris’ ex. At Iris’ suggestion, she hires the party to find Azra and retrieve her stolen Bag of Holding and the gemstones inside:much to the chagrin of the Wayless when she reveals the truth. Gives Phoebe information on Samson, and a Ring of Mind Shielding to protect her from him, in exchange for Phoebe finding information on a plot against the Consortium.

Azra Mistbound

✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #11

✨ Characteristics: Half-ogre storm sorcerer. On the smaller side (just over six feet tall). Long hair, worn tied back. Missing her left ring finger (after she cut it off). Wears religious vestments and leather gloves. Standoffish and slippery.

✨ Involvement: Inquin’s sister. Former agent of the Lithite Consortium and employee of Elmstaff’s Extraordinary Emporium, until she stole a Bag of Holding full of gemstones; later stole Tarvok’s family ring and the Staff of Ushil Ïkor, all towards the end of finding and opening the Nexus of Binding. Last seen entering the elemental plane of fire after opening the Nexus and escaping the party; current whereabouts unknown.


✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #11

✨ Characteristics: Hobgoblin. Wears tunic; goes barefoot. Dryly friendly, but discreet about her own aims. Fond of fruit (hence her alias).

✨ Involvement: Monk; agent of Kanatrium’s government tasked with keeping an eye on the party. Intervenes in the Tarvok-Vanus showdown after the party talks the two of them down. Hires the Wayless to help her investigate the graveyard disappearances in Plow-Sprout and other villages. Briefly separated from the party upon arrival in Goldhelm, but rejoins them in time to stabilize Vasira and Phoebe after the attack by Greysky’s assassin.

Tarvok Goldbraid

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #11

✨ Characteristics: Dwarf. Bald, with a black beard separated into three braids by gold rings. Finely-dressed in a silk overcoat and vest, with chainmail underneath and metal boots. Wields a hammer. A shrewd “wheeler and dealer,” but hotheaded and greedy.

✨ Involvement: Younger brother of Karll. Businessman originally from Goldhelm; owns property in Kanatrium. In order to appease an unknown power who threatened to annihilate Goldhelm, he orchestrated the exile of the Tinpick clan to take administrative control of their mines after the clan struck gold, and sought an alliance with Vanus to lower tariffs on dwarven goods moving through Kanatrium’s port. Visits Terra at the dwarven temple for blessings before negotiations. Owns a ring capable of summoning and controlling fire, which was stolen by Azra in her quest for the Nexus of Binding (though Tarvok blamed Vanus before the party told him the truth); scorns the Wayless as “amateurs” when they bring back the wrong ring. Sends henchmen to protect Oskar (who was already being monitored by a Goldbraid agent), and to take down the Wayless; shows up at Riswynn’s office to intimidate them later.

Kathra Tinpick

✨ Pronouns: she/her

✨ Introduced: Session #18

✨ Characteristics: Young dwarf. Black hair pulled back in a long plait. Wears the simple clothes of a laborer. Carries a pickaxe.

✨ Involvement: Ora’s niece. Friend of Camilla. Came to Plow-Sprout at Camilla’s suggestion to survey the nearby hill to see if it had potential as a mine. Arrested by Appius after the hill’s collapse and the graveyard’s disappearance; almost killed by a mob while imprisoned, but later broken out by Camilla. Leaves Plow-Sprout for the Tinpick Caravan with Camilla and the party; stays there with Camilla when the party leaves for Goldhelm.

Nordak Tinpick

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #22

✨ Characteristics: Dwarf. Stocky, with an unruly black beard. Resentful of Tarvok and bent on revenge.

✨ Involvement: Member of the Tinpick Clan. An earth-listener. Was sent out to scout for a new home for the Tinpicks several months ago, and hasn’t been seen in two, but Kevinus was formerly in possession of his amulet. Responsible for the graveyard disappearances; creates an undead colossus to attack Goldhelm and exact vengeance on Tarvok.

Samson Morgenstern

✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #29

✨ Characteristics: [To be revealed]

✨ Involvement: Portia’s eldest child and Verity’s older brother; Ligeia’s childhood friend and almost-fiancé; Phoebe’s former classmate and husband. Planned to kill Phoebe and use her body in a necromantic ritual to resurrect Ligeia; attacked her through her nightmares when her flight was discovered. Currently allied with Greysky.

Riswynn Onyxgale

✨ Pronouns: they/them

✨ Introduced: Session #30

✨ Characteristics: Dwarf. About as thin and willowy as a dwarf can get, with an angular face. Long hair tied back; neat goatee. Diplomatically neutral, but holds their own opinions.

✨ Involvement: Emissary between the mountain sages and the citizens of Goldhelm; maintains open hours at the temple. Points the Wayless in Oskar’s direction after they warn them of Nordak’s revenge plot; promises to take steps to defend Goldhelm. Later hears Oskar’s and Vorbin’s testimony against Tarvok and promises to take the evidence to the mountain sages.


✨ Pronouns: he/him

✨ Introduced: Session #30

✨ Characteristics: Older dwarf. Bald, with a belt-length beard stained with rock dust. Doesn’t like liars, or his time being wasted, but gets anxious when backed into a corner.

✨ Involvement: Stonecutter and self-taught scholar who claims to be an expert on historical stonework; runs a temporary stone-cutting workshop near the top of the Mining Layers. Bribed to authenticate the journal produced by Tarvok to exile the Tinpick Clan. Approached by the Wayless during their investigations in Goldhelm, but “kidnapped” by one of Tarvok’s agents and spirited away to a safehouse; once found, he confesses to his misdeeds, and allows the party to escort him to Riswynn to testify to Tarvok’s duplicity.